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How do I get the full path to a Perl script that is executing?

People also ask

How do I find my path in Perl?

if the path is correct, you should see in output the list of perl modules currently installed. Once you have identified the correct path, you can add it to your user's PATH (i.e. if you're using bash shell, edit your . bash_profile and add the path /usr/bin to PATH, like: PATH=$PATH:/usr/bin). locate: not found.

How do I mention a file path in Perl?

To open a file that's in another directory, you must use a pathname. The pathname describes the path that Perl must take to find the file on your system. You specify the pathname in the manner in which your operating system expects it, as shown in the following examples: open(MYFILE, "DISK5:[USER.

How do I change directory in Perl?

You can use chdir function in Perl to change a directory and go to a new location. You will need to have the required permission to change a directory and go inside the new directory.

There are a few ways:

  • $0 is the currently executing script as provided by POSIX, relative to the current working directory if the script is at or below the CWD
  • Additionally, cwd(), getcwd() and abs_path() are provided by the Cwd module and tell you where the script is being run from
  • The module FindBin provides the $Bin & $RealBin variables that usually are the path to the executing script; this module also provides $Script & $RealScript that are the name of the script
  • __FILE__ is the actual file that the Perl interpreter deals with during compilation, including its full path.

I've seen the first three ($0, the Cwd module and the FindBin module) fail under mod_perl spectacularly, producing worthless output such as '.' or an empty string. In such environments, I use __FILE__ and get the path from that using the File::Basename module:

use File::Basename;
my $dirname = dirname(__FILE__);

$0 is typically the name of your program, so how about this?

use Cwd 'abs_path';
print abs_path($0);

Seems to me that this should work as abs_path knows if you are using a relative or absolute path.

Update For anyone reading this years later, you should read Drew's answer. It's much better than mine.

use File::Spec;
File::Spec->rel2abs( __FILE__ );


I think the module you're looking for is FindBin:

use FindBin;

$0 = "stealth";
print "The actual path to this is: $FindBin::Bin/$FindBin::Script\n";

You could use FindBin, Cwd, File::Basename, or a combination of them. They're all in the base distribution of Perl IIRC.

I used Cwd in the past:


use Cwd qw(abs_path);
my $path = abs_path($0);
print "$path\n";

Getting the absolute path to $0 or __FILE__ is what you want. The only trouble is if someone did a chdir() and the $0 was relative -- then you need to get the absolute path in a BEGIN{} to prevent any surprises.

FindBin tries to go one better and grovel around in the $PATH for something matching the basename($0), but there are times when that does far-too-surprising things (specifically: when the file is "right in front of you" in the cwd.)

File::Fu has File::Fu->program_name and File::Fu->program_dir for this.