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How to match any non white space character except a particular one?




People also ask

What is used to match anything except a whitespace?

You can match a space character with just the space character; [^ ] matches anything but a space character.

How do you match a character except one?

To match any character except a list of excluded characters, put the excluded charaters between [^ and ] . The caret ^ must immediately follow the [ or else it stands for just itself. The character '. ' (period) is a metacharacter (it sometimes has a special meaning).

Is used for matches any non-whitespace characters?

The \S metacharacter matches non-whitespace characters. Whitespace characters can be: A space character.

What is a non-whitespace character in regex?

Non-whitespace character: \S.

You can use a character class:


matches anything that is not a whitespace character nor a \. Here's another example:

[abc] means "match a, b or c"; [^abc] means "match any character except a, b or c".

You can use a lookahead:


This worked for me using sed [Edit: comment below points out sed doesn't support \s]

[^ ]




# Delete everything except space and 'g'
echo "ghai ghai" | sed "s/[^\sg]//g"

echo "ghai ghai" | sed "s/[^ g]//g"
g g

On my system: CentOS 5

I can use \s outside of collections but have to use [:space:] inside of collections. In fact I can use [:space:] only inside collections. So to match a single space using this I have to use [[:space:]] Which is really strange.

echo a b cX | sed -r "s/(a\sb[[:space:]]c[^[:space:]])/Result: \1/"

Result: a b cX
  • first space I match with \s
  • second space I match alternatively with [[:space:]]
  • the X I match with "all but no space" [^[:space:]]

These two will not work:

a[:space:]b  instead use a\sb or a[[:space:]]b

a[^\s]b      instead use a[^[:space:]]b