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How do I get http verb attribute of an action using refection - ASP.NET Web API

I have an ASP.NET Web API project. Using reflection, how can I get the Http verb ([HttpGet] in the example below) attribute which decorates my action methods?

public ActionResult Index(int id) { ... }

Assume that I have the above action method in my controller. So far, by using reflection I have been able to get a MethodInfo object of the Index action method which i have stored in a variable called methodInfo

I tried to get the http verb using the following but it did not work - returns null:

var httpVerb = methodInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof (AcceptVerbsAttribute), false).Cast<AcceptVerbsAttribute>().SingleOrDefault();

Something I noticed:

My example above is from a ASP.NET Web API project I am working on.

It seems that the [HttpGet] is a System.Web.Http.HttpGetAttribute

but in regular ASP.NET MVC projects the [HttpGet] is a System.Web.Mvc.HttpGetAttribute

like image 952
cda01 Avatar asked May 24 '12 01:05


People also ask

What are the possible HTTP request verbs in Web API?

The primary or most-commonly-used HTTP verbs (or methods, as they are properly called) are POST, GET, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE. These correspond to create, read, update, and delete (or CRUD) operations, respectively.

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Default is [HTTPPost] if the method name doesn't match any HTTPVerb.

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Default Action Methods In Web API, Get, Post, Put, and Delete verbs are used as corresponding action methods- Get(), Post ([FromBody]string value), Put (int id, [FromBody]string value), Delete (int id) for manipulating data like get, insert, update and delete.

1 Answers

var methodInfo = MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod();
var attribute = methodInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ActionMethodSelectorAttribute), true).Cast<ActionMethodSelectorAttribute>().FirstOrDefault();

You were very close...

The difference is that all 'verb' attributes inherit from 'ActionMethodSelectorAttribute' including the 'AcceptVerbsAttribute' attribute.

like image 166
Elie Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 07:11
