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How do I generate a webapi url from an MVC view?

Based on How to create ASP.NET Web API Url?

Neither of these plus a few more combinations of them I've tried are working

 <li><a href="@Url.RouteUrl("DefaultApi",new {area=string.Empty,httproute = string.Empty, controller = "corpuserrequest", action="Get"})">CorpUser</a></li>
                        <li><a href="@Url.Action("Get","CorpUserRequest",new {area=string.Empty,httproute ="", controller = "CorpUserRequest", action="Get"})">CorpUser</a></li>

Here's my api config route table:

            name: "ApiReq",
            routeTemplate: "webapi/{controller}/{action}",
           defaults: null,
           constraints: new { action = "Req" }

            name: "DefaultApi",
            routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{id}",
            defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional },
            constraints: new
                id = @"^\d*$",// Only integers 
                action = "^(?![rR]eq)$" //anything except req or Req

Why isn't the routing working? The RouteUrl returns empty string or null, the Action returns

<a href="http://localhost:11601/CorpUserRequest/Get">

instead of what the actual url should be http://localhost:11601/api/CorpUserRequest

like image 479
Maslow Avatar asked Nov 08 '13 20:11


People also ask

Can we call Web API from MVC controller?

First of all, create MVC controller class called StudentController in the Controllers folder as shown below. Right click on the Controllers folder > Add.. > select Controller.. Step 2: We need to access Web API in the Index() action method using HttpClient as shown below.

1 Answers

You could use either of the following to generate links to Web API:

  1. @Url.HttpRouteUrl("DefaultApi", new {controller = "corpuserrequest"})
  2. @Url.RouteUrl("DefaultApi", new { httproute = true, controller = "corpuserrequest"})

Usually you would use option 1., but sometimes you might need to use 2. like in the following post (this post doesn't necessarily use RouteUrl, but the idea is that in places where you do not have a convenient extension like HttpRouteUrl, in this case Html.BeginForm, you can use httproute=true to indicate that you are indeed trying to generate a url to a Web API route)

ASP.Net WebApi: Invalid URL generated in BeginForm

like image 186
Kiran Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 10:10
