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What's the difference between HttpResponseException and HttpException



From http://www.asp.net/web-api/overview/web-api-routing-and-actions/exception-handling


What happens if a Web API controller throws an exception? By default, most exceptions are translated into an HTTP response with status code 500, Internal Server Error.

The HttpResponseException type is a special case. This exception returns any HTTP status code that you specify in the constructor of the exception.

Except that it doesn't. Fiddler shows me a 500 is returned.

However, HttpException seems to do what that article says.

Is the documentation wrong or am I missing something?


While typing that out, I had an idea. I tried both from two controllers, an ApiController and a standard MVC controller.

The two exception work in reverse to each other depending on the type of controller they're thrown from.

  • Use HttpResponseException to return a proper HTTP code from an API controller.
  • Use HttpException to return a proper HTTP code from an MVC controller.
like image 995
Luke Puplett Avatar asked Jun 27 '12 11:06

Luke Puplett

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1 Answers

[Moved my update to an answer]

While typing that out, I had an idea. I tried both from two controllers, an ApiController and a standard MVC controller.

The two exception work in reverse to each other depending on the type of controller they're thrown from.

  • Use HttpResponseException to return a proper HTTP code from an API controller.
  • Use HttpException to return a proper HTTP code from an MVC controller.
like image 105
Luke Puplett Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 00:10

Luke Puplett