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How do I generalize calling a list of functions in C++?

I have the following code which allows me to instantiate and then call a list of void() functions.

(I am using https://github.com/philsquared/Catch for unit testing if you wish to compile and run this code).

#include "catch.hpp"

#include <functional>
#include <vector>

class ChainOfResponsibility : public std::vector<std::function<void()> >, public std::function<void()>
    void operator()() const
        for(std::vector<std::function<void()> >::const_iterator it = begin(); it != end(); ++it) {

TEST_CASE("ChainOfResponsibility calls its members when invoked")
    bool test_function_called = false;
    std::function<void()> test_function = [&]()
        test_function_called = true;

    ChainOfResponsibility object_under_test;



My question is how do I template the ChainOfResponsibility class to accept functions with a different (but consistent) signature?

For example, consider a ChainOfResponsibility<void(int)> or a ChainOfResponsibility<ReturnClass(Argument1Class, Argument2Class)>.

For the sake of argument, lets say that the second example returns the value returned by the last member in the chain, or the default value for ReturnClass if the chain is empty.

Also, if the STL already contains a template class that achieves this, then I would prefer to use it over my home-grown class.

like image 721
spierepf Avatar asked Jan 30 '23 18:01


1 Answers

Your specific "discard all the intermediate results" is also fairly simple, but I think it's a bad idea.

template<typename Ret, typename ... Args>
class ChainOfResponsibility
    std::vector<std::function<Ret(Args...)> > chain;
    Ret operator()(Args ... args) const
        Ret value;
        for(auto & func : chain) {
            value = func(args...);
        return value;

void has to be treated on it's own

template<typename ... Args>
class ChainOfResponsibility<void, Args...>
    std::vector<std::function<void(Args...)> > chain;
    void operator()(Args ... args) const
        for(auto & func : chain) {

Note that deriving from std:: types is a bad idea, especially std::function, which is a type-erasing callable, not "the base of all callables". You can simply provide an operator()

options for improving the non-void case:

    // fold the results
    template <typename BinaryFunction>
    Ret operator()(Args ... args, BinaryFunction add, Ret init) const
        for(auto & func : chain) {
            init = add(init, func(args...));
        return init;

    // return a vector
    template <typename BinaryFunction>
    std::vector<Ret> operator()(Args ... args) const
        std::vector<Ret> results(chain.size());
        for(auto & func : chain) {
        return results;
like image 159
Caleth Avatar answered Feb 08 '23 15:02
