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How do I force the display of a decimal in an ExtJS NumberField to a certain precision?

I have a form with a NumberField that gets values of type float from JSON. If the values happen to be whole numbers, then no decimal places are shown. I would like to show 2 decimal places at all times. Is there a config option for this?

Here's my declaration:

items: [
        fieldLabel: 'Net Sales',
        name: 'netSales',
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Mike Sickler Avatar asked Aug 17 '09 12:08

Mike Sickler

2 Answers

As this was the top result for a search query about forcing decimals in a NumberField, thought I would update this for those using ExtJS 4+

The input filtering since ExtJS 4 has been delegated to a valueToRaw function, the setValue function used is actually from Ext.form.field.Text, so that's what I'm overriding below.

I also decided to have the forcing of displaying decimals to be an option ('forcePrecision') configurable per NumberField, which means the override will look like this:

Ext.override(Ext.form.NumberField, {
    forcePrecision : false,

    valueToRaw: function(value) {
        var me = this,
            decimalSeparator = me.decimalSeparator;
        value = me.parseValue(value);
        value = me.fixPrecision(value);
        value = Ext.isNumber(value) ? value : parseFloat(String(value).replace(decimalSeparator, '.'));
        if (isNaN(value))
          value = '';
        } else {
          value = me.forcePrecision ? value.toFixed(me.decimalPrecision) : parseFloat(value);
          value = String(value).replace(".", decimalSeparator);
        return value;

To use this in your form, you'd instantiate it like this:

  xtype: 'numberfield',
  name:  'decimalsfield',
  forcePrecision: true,     #defaults to false
  decimalPrecision: 3       #defaults to 2

Fields not instantiated with forcePrecision: true behave exactly like the default.

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Dave A Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 20:09

Dave A

The popular solution didn't work for me. In fact the code in the solution is an exact duplicate of the EXT JS 3.3 source code which, for me, displays "1" instead of "1.00" when decimalPrecision is 2. Based on the popular solution's suggestion to override setValue, this is what I did:

Ext.override(Ext.form.NumberField, {
    setValue: function(v) {
        var dp = this.decimalPrecision;
        if (dp < 0 || !this.allowDecimals) {
            dp = 0;
        v = this.fixPrecision(v);
        v = Ext.isNumber(v) ? v : parseFloat(String(v).replace(this.decimalSeparator, "."));
        v = isNaN(v) ? '' : String(v.toFixed(dp)).replace(".", this.decimalSeparator);
        return Ext.form.NumberField.superclass.setValue.call(this, v);

Even though the fixPrecision code seems to format the number with the desired precision, javascript would lose the precision during the manipulation it does on the two lines before the call to the superclass's setValue function. Setting the precision with toFixed when it is finally converted to a String made it work.

Good luck!

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Jens Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 20:09
