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Is jQuery compatible with ExtJS?

I believe Ext.js was using jQuery, but I'm not sure. Does anyone know if there is full compatibility with jQuery and Ext.js?

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openfrog Avatar asked Jan 04 '10 17:01


People also ask

Is Ext JS still popular?

Even though ExtJS is well known among many coders, the technology is not globally spread. Nevertheless, this framework is most often used by big companies. They use the tool to develop production software and create other complex applications.

What is requires Ext JS?

Requires - All classes required to be defined for the class to be instantiated. Uses - A list of classes potentially used by the class at some point in its lifecycle, but not necessarily requried for the class to initially be instantiated. Subclasses - Classes that extend the current class.

What are the advantages of using Ext JS?

It allows you to save time on development and make the process easier, there are no compatibility issues, many multiplatform advantages, and you get great support services from Sencha.

Where is Ext JS used?

Ext JS is a popular JavaScript framework which provides rich UI for building web applications with cross-browser functionality. Ext JS is basically used for creating desktop applications. It supports all the modern browsers such as IE6+, FF, Chrome, Safari 6+, Opera 12+, etc.

1 Answers

Ext.js is completely independent of jQuery and as such does not rely on jQuery in any way. Don't know what you mean by 'full compatibility' but you can use both on the same page as they don't interfere with each other.

As Ext.js doesn't use the $-function, you don't even have to do any special trickery to get them to work together, as is the case with using Prototype with jQuery, for example.

like image 128
Tatu Ulmanen Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 19:09

Tatu Ulmanen