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How do I force a Coldfusion cfc to output numeric data over JSON as a string?

I'm calling a Coldfusion component (cfc) using jQuery.post(). I need an integer or string representation of the number returned for use in a URL.

{"PAGE":"My Page Title","ID":19382}
{"PAGE":"My Page Title","ID":"19382"}

Instead what I get back is a decimal:

{"PAGE":"My Page Title","ID":19382.0}

Needed to update the following HTML:

<a href="page.cfm?id=19382" id="pagelink">My Page Title</a>

Conceptually, I suppose there are multiple answers:

1) I could use jQuery to grab the number left of the decimal point.

2) I could force Coldfusion to send the number as a string.

3) I could generate the whole link server side and just replace the whole link tag HTML (not the preferred answer, but maybe it is the best)

Does anyone know how to do 1 or 2? Is 3 better?

Relevant Javascript: (Not optimized)

$(".link").live('click', function () {
    var $linkID, serviceUrl;
    serviceUrl = "mycfc.cfc?method=getPage";
    $linkID = $(this).attr("rel");

    $.post(serviceUrl, { linkid: $linkID }, function (result) { 
        if (result.FMKEY.length) {
             // NEED the ID number WITHOUT the .0 at the end
             $('#pagelink').attr("href") = "page.cfm?id=" + result.ID;
    }, "json");


<component output="no">
<cfsetting showdebugoutput="no">
<cffunction name="getPage" access="remote" returnFormat="JSON" output="no" hint="Looks up a Page Title and ID">
    <cfargument name="linkID" type="string" required="yes">
    <cfset var page = queryNew("id,title")>
    <cfset var result = structNew()>
    <cfquery datasource="myDatasource" name="page">
        SELECT TOP 1 id, title
        FROM pages
        WHERE linkID = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#arguments.linkID#">     
    <cfif page.recordcount>
        <cfset result.id = page.id>
        <cfset result.title = page.title>
    <cfreturn result>
like image 479
Dan Sorensen Avatar asked Dec 09 '22 16:12

Dan Sorensen

2 Answers

It's a known SerializeJSON() bug/feature. See this answer for possible workaround.

like image 150
Sergey Galashyn Avatar answered Mar 22 '23 23:03

Sergey Galashyn

use parseInt() in JS. Kindda like your solution 1, but this is easier than you think.

$('#pagelink').attr("href") = "page.cfm?id=" + parseInt(result.ID, 10);

CF serializes any integer like 123 into "123.0" by default, but usually it doesn't matter in typeless language like JS, or CF for the matter.

The default behavior of SerializeJSON() (what remote function uses) cannot be overridden, but if you like, you can use one of the 3rd party JSON library from www.riaforge.org

p.s. Even if you browse to "something.cfm?id=123.0", URL.id is just a numeric value in CF that EQ to 123. Although your URL looks a little weird, if it is posting to CF, it'll still work.

like image 22
Henry Avatar answered Mar 22 '23 23:03
