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How do I fix the xcrun unable to find simctl error?





I solved this problem by entering

Xcode > Preferences > Locations 

And assigning the Command Line Tools

This is in Xcode Version 7.2 beta (7C46t) enter image description here

In Xcode, open the Xcode menu at the top, then select Preferences…, and then select the Locations tab.

Xcode screenshot

In Terminal, try this.

sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/Xcode.app

/Applications/Xcode.app is your Xcode.app path.

if U still get error in terminal.

try sudo xcodebuild -license to agree license.

Got similar issue on executing command

./Scripts/bootstrap.sh -d.

This helped me Xcode > Preferences > Locations, Set Command line Tools

enter image description here

I had the same problem. My application was working well but suddenly in next run, it started throwing the "simctl" error. It seems I had started Xcode update installation in the background.

Fix: I just started the Xcode application and it prompted to install some pending tools update. After Xcode updates, my app started working normally.

While running Xcode, open the Xcode menu, go to Preferences…, then select Locations

In Locations, "Command Line Tools", choose your version of Xcode.

It should be fine. This worked for me.