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how do I find the values that are in one column but not in the other

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How do you check if values in one column are in another?

You can use the MATCH() function to check if the values in column A also exist in column B. MATCH() returns the position of a cell in a row or column. The syntax for MATCH() is =MATCH(lookup_value, lookup_array, [match_type]) . Using MATCH, you can look up a value both horizontally and vertically.

Use MATCH to determine whether each row in column A appears in column B, then filter column A to only the rows for which MATCH returned #N/A (i.e., that row's value in column A could not be found in column B):


If A contains duplicates and you want to reduce the result sequence to unique values, just wrap the whole thing in UNIQUE:


Based on Kate aswer I have been able to negate not only one column, but several.

Kate solution was as follows:


Where "B:B" is defining that what is going to be returned is A:A less B:B.

But if you want to return A:A, lees B:B, less C:C, less D:D, etc? Just insert B:B, C:C and D:D inside {}, then:


I hope this may help others like me. I was seeking for a solution that would not bring what's present in some set of columns.


In column C, use vlookup from A against B. For example

C1 = vlookup(A1,B:B,1)
C2 = vlookup(A2,B:B,1)

If B does not contain A, then it shows #N/A