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HTTP Google Sheets API v4 how to access without OAuth 2.0?

People also ask

How do I access a Google spreadsheet with a service account?

Open the service_account. json file and find the client_email property. Click on the Share button in the top right, and add the email address of the service account as an editor. If you want only to allow the account read access to the spreadsheet, assign it the Viewer role instead.

How do I get JSON credentials in Google Sheets?

Press menu and go to credentials. At the last step you will create the key, so press 'CREATE KEY' :) Select 'JSON' and press 'CREATE' — credentials should start downloading, save them. That's the file you'll use in your project.

All Google APIs require that you create a project on Google developer console and identify yourself and your application, even to access public data. Since you have set the sheet to public you can just go to google developer console and create a public api key remember to active the google sheets api. Then just add key=[YourKey] as a parameter on your request.

Update Dev console:

Create project and get key:

Google developer console -> create a project -> credentials drop down -> API Key

enter image description here

Enable it:

Google developer console -> library find sheets enable it.


{ "error": { "code": 403, "message": "The request is missing a valid API key.", "status": "PERMISSION_DENIED" } }

Means that you have not identified yourself to Google. In 2015 Google Start to require that we identify ourselves you cant just use a Google API without telling google who you are. You do that by creating a project on [Google developer console1. Create an API key and use that API key in all of your requests. This only works with Public data.


Note: With private user data you would need to use OAuth and use either access_token=your token or set the header

Authorization: Bearer ya29.GlvaBLjrTdsSuSllr3u2nAiC-BOsjvIOE1x5afU3xiafB-FTOdLWDtfabuIMGF1rId5BsZxiTXxrx7VDEtxww4Q1uvW9zRndkfm3I2LZnT1HK2nTWzX_6oXu-NAG.

An access token is not the same as a API Key.

Another approach is to share the sheet with a Google Cloud service account, and then use the service account to authorize with the API client. If the document is public you do not need to share it.

Instructions on creating a service account and reading a Google doc, which should also apply to sheets https://www.futurice.com/blog/read-goog-doc-using-service-account

If you don't want to mess with OAuth2, maybe the simpler solution is to use third-party soft. https://sheetdb.io allows you to work with Google spreadsheets and does OAuth2 for you. Additionally, the API is simpler than Google, check out the docs here: https://docs.sheetdb.io