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Get column values by column name not column index

People also ask

What function can be used to retrieve the index position of a column using the name of a column?

get_loc() returns a column Index for a given column.

How do I change a column from index to column?

Convert the Index to Column using reset_index() Another way is by using the pandas. Dataframe. reset_index() function to convert the index as a column.

How do you get the value of a data frame without an index?

to_string() to Print DataFrame without Index. You can use DataFrame. to_string(index=False) on the DataFrame object to print.

How do I get specific columns in Pandas?

Use DataFrame. loc[] and DataFrame. iloc[] to select a single column or multiple columns from pandas DataFrame by column names/label or index position respectively. where loc[] is used with column labels/names and iloc[] is used with column index/position.

The following function retries the value in a column with a given name, in a given row.

function getByName(colName, row) {
  var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
  var data = sheet.getDataRange().getValues();
  var col = data[0].indexOf(colName);
  if (col != -1) {
    return data[row-1][col];

Specifically, var col = data[0].indexOf(colName); looks up the given name in the top row of the sheet. If it's found, then the value in the given row of that column is returned (row-1 is used to account for JavaScript indices being 0-based).

To test that this works, try something like

function test() {
  Logger.log(getByName('Price', 4)); // Or whatever name or row you want

One might also need a function that returns the entire column of a given name, not just a single cell. This variation of the other answer worked well for that purpose:

function getByName(colName, sheetName) {
  var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName(sheetName);
  var data = sheet.getRange("A1:1").getValues();
  var col = data[0].indexOf(colName);
  if (col != -1) {
    return sheet.getRange(2,col+1,sheet.getMaxRows()).getValues();

Building up on top of the other answers to provide you with a comprehensive collection of functions.


function getCellRangeByColumnName(sheet, columnName, row) {
  let data = sheet.getDataRange().getValues();
  let column = data[0].indexOf(columnName);
  if (column != -1) {
    return sheet.getRange(row, column + 1, 1, 1);


function getCellValueByColumnName(sheet, columnName, row) {
  let cell = getCellRangeByColumnName(sheet, columnName, row);
  if (cell != null) {
    return cell.getValue();


function getColumnRangeByName(sheet, columnName) {
  let data = sheet.getRange("A1:1").getValues();
  let column = data[0].indexOf(columnName);
  if (column != -1) {
    return sheet.getRange(2, column + 1, sheet.getMaxRows());


function getColumnValuesByName(sheet, columnName) {
  let column = getColumnRangeByName(sheet, columnName);
  if (column != null) {
    return column.getValues();