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How do I find the number of arguments passed to a Bash script?




People also ask

How do you count arguments in Bash?

You can get the number of arguments from the special parameter $# . Value of 0 means "no arguments". $# is read-only. When used in conjunction with shift for argument processing, the special parameter $# is decremented each time Bash Builtin shift is executed.

How many arguments can be passed to Bash script?

NUM} ) in the 2^32 range, so there is a hard limit somewhere (might vary on your machine), but Bash is so slow once you get above 2^20 arguments, that you will hit a performance limit well before you hit a hard limit.

Which command is used to print the total no of arguments passed at command-line?

We are using the $# command to get the total number of arguments passed to the script file.

How do I see Bash script usage?

There are multiple ways to show script usage inside of your Bash script. One way is to check if the user has supplied the -h or --help options as arguments as seen below. #!/bin/bash # check whether user had supplied -h or --help .

The number of arguments is $#

Search for it on this page to learn more: http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/internalvariables.html#ARGLIST

echo "The number of arguments is: $#"
echo "The total length of all arguments is: ${#a}: "
for var in "$@"
    echo "The length of argument '$var' is: ${#var}"
    (( count++ ))
    (( accum += ${#var} ))
echo "The counted number of arguments is: $count"
echo "The accumulated length of all arguments is: $accum"

to add the original reference:

You can get the number of arguments from the special parameter $#. Value of 0 means "no arguments". $# is read-only.

When used in conjunction with shift for argument processing, the special parameter $# is decremented each time Bash Builtin shift is executed.

see Bash Reference Manual in section 3.4.2 Special Parameters:

  • "The shell treats several parameters specially. These parameters may only be referenced"

  • and in this section for keyword $# "Expands to the number of positional parameters in decimal."