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How do I escape a percentage sign in T-SQL?

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How do I escape a special character in SQL?

Use braces to escape a string of characters or symbols. Everything within a set of braces in considered part of the escape sequence. When you use braces to escape a single character, the escaped character becomes a separate token in the query. Use the backslash character to escape a single character or symbol.

What is the use of the percentage sign in SQL?

The SQL LIKE Operator The percent sign (%) represents zero, one, or multiple characters. The underscore sign (_) represents one, single character.

What is the percentage symbol in SQL Server?

SQL Server uses "%" as a wildcard character.

How do I escape a string in SQL?

The simplest method to escape single quotes in SQL is to use two single quotes. For example, if you wanted to show the value O'Reilly, you would use two quotes in the middle instead of one. The single quote is the escape character in Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, and PostgreSQL.

Use brackets. So to look for 75%

WHERE MyCol LIKE '%75[%]%'

This is simpler than ESCAPE and common to most RDBMSes.

You can use the ESCAPE keyword with LIKE. Simply prepend the desired character (e.g. '!') to each of the existing % signs in the string and then add ESCAPE '!' (or your character of choice) to the end of the query.

For example:

FROM prices
WHERE discount LIKE '%80!% off%'

This will make the database treat 80% as an actual part of the string to search for and not 80(wildcard).

MSDN Docs for LIKE

WHERE column_name LIKE '%save 50[%] off!%'