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How do I emulate Lisp (apply) or (curry) in Rust?

I'm porting QuickCheck to Rust, and I've written everything except for_all as I'm not sure what the type signature should be.

I know that in general, for_all will accept a property lambda and a collection of generator lambdas. It will evaluate the generators in order to create a random test case to give the property as input.

It should print +++ OK, passed 100 tests. if the property returns true, otherwise, it should print *** Failed! and print the offending test case values.

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mcandre Avatar asked Feb 14 '12 04:02


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1 Answers

In Rust, all functions take a fixed number of parameters, so there's no such thing as an equivalent to Lisp's apply in the general case, but macros can provide you with the abstraction you desire. You can write:

macro_rules! for_all {
    ( $tester:expr, $( $generator:expr ),* ) => {
        $tester( $($generator() ),* )

Then, for_all!(|a, b| a + b, || 4, || 7) produces 11.

Good luck with your project!

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Paul Stansifer Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 07:10

Paul Stansifer