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How do I disable firefox console from grouping duplicate output?

Anyone knows how to avoid firefox console to group log entries?

I have seen how to do it with firebug https://superuser.com/questions/645691/does-firebug-not-always-duplicate-repeated-identical-console-logs/646009#646009 but I haven't found any group log entry in about:config section.

I don't want use Firebug, because it's no longer supported or maintained and I really like firefox console.

I try to explain better, I want console to print all logs and not the red badge with number of occurences of one log string:

enter image description here

In the above picture I would like to have two rows of the first log row, two rows of the second and three of the third.

Is this possible?

Thanks in advance

like image 923
amicoderozer Avatar asked Dec 06 '16 09:12


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2 Answers

Update [2022-01-24]

Seems like the below option doesn't work as expected. feel free to report it as a bug

Update [2020-01-28]

Firefox team added option to group similar messages, which is enabled by default.

You can access to this option via Console settings

  • Open up Firefox's dev tools
  • Select Console tab
  • Click on gear button (placed at the right of the toolbar)
  • Change the option as you wish

Original Answer

As I mentioned in comment section, There is no way to achieve this at the moment. maybe you should try to request this feature via Bugzilla@Mozilla

Also you can check Gaps between Firebug and the Firefox DevTools

like image 100
Mehdi Dehghani Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 14:09

Mehdi Dehghani

As a workaround you can append a Math.random() to the log string. That should make all your output messages unique, which would cause them all to be printed. For example:

console.log(yourvariable+" "+Math.random());

like image 29
DaveS Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 14:09
