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How to do a simple search in Firefox DevTools' Inspector tab?

I'm using the Firefox DevTools and I'm using the Inspector tab, in which it displays the HTML tree.

When I use the Search HTML feature, it only searches tags. So suppose I have this:

<div class="lol">textinsidediv</div>

And when I search for 'div', it returns the <div> accordingly. However, if I search for 'textinside' it doesn't match the text inside the content despite the fact that it's starting right there.

My question: How can I search for any arbitrary string within this HTML tree?

(In contrary Firebug performs a simple text search just as expected.)

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pillarOfLight Avatar asked Feb 18 '14 23:02


People also ask

How do I search inspect in Firefox?

Press Shift + Ctrl + F (Windows and Linux) or Shift + Cmd + F (macOS) and then enter the string you are trying to find.

1 Answers

The search in the Inspector panel of the Firefox DevTools allows to search for text content since Firefox 45 (see bug 835896).

Btw. since Firebug 2.0 you're also able to search in the HTML panel using CSS selectors (additionally to the plain text search).

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Sebastian Zartner Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 23:09

Sebastian Zartner