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How do I disable cache in Safari 11.0?

I updated Safari today to 11.0 and the 'disable cache(s)' menu item (under Develop) is missing. Anyone know the new way to effect this?

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polarise Avatar asked Sep 20 '17 14:09


People also ask

How do I disable cache in Safari?

If you haven't already enable the Develop menu on Safari, with Safari open use the menu to go to Safari > Preferences…. One the preferences window select the Advanced tab. At the bottom there is a checkbox to enable the Develop menu. To disable caching in Safari toggle the menu item under Develop > Disable Caches.

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Select the “Advanced” tab and check the “Show Develop menu in menu bar” option. Close the Preferences window. If you don't have the Menu Bar enabled, select the settings gear, then choose “Show Menu Bar“. Select “Develop“ > “Disable Caches“.

How do I force a browser to not cache?

But you can bypass the cache and force a complete refresh by using some simple hotkeys: Windows and Linux browsers: CTRL + F5. Apple Safari: SHIFT + Reload toolbar button. Chrome and Firefox for Mac: CMD + SHIFT + R.

1 Answers

As Adam has answered there was information about disable caches added to the release notes, and I've updated my answer accordingly:

  1. For a one-off, you can use R on the page to reload from origin or R from Web Inspector.
  2. For a more permanent solution, you can tell Safari to ignore cache when loading resources by opening Web Inspector then going to the Network tab and setting the ignore the resource cache icon in the top right (it turns blue when active).

After experimentation with the ignore the resource cache option in the Network tab, it doesn't appear to behave as documented in the release notes:

  • The setting appears to persist until manually disabled, even when quitting Safari.
  • Caching appears to be disabled for all pages, not just the inspected one.
  • Web Inspector didn't always need to be left open.
  • Resources served from localhost are sometimes still served from the memory cache, even if caching is disabled in the Network tab. Restarting Safari seemed to clear this behaviour.

Safari Technology Preview Release Notes (Release 27)

Browser Changes

  • Added a “Reload Page From Origin” alternate menu item to the View menu. This action reloads a page without using cached resources.
  • Removed the Option-Command-R (⌥⌘R) keyboard shortcut from “Enter/Exit Responsive Design Mode” and mapped it to “Reload Page From Origin” instead.
  • Removed the Disable Caches menu item in the Develop menu. The equivalent functionality is now available through Web Inspector’s Network tab.

Web Inspector

  • Added “Disable Caches” toggle in the Networking tab that only applies to the inspected page while Web Inspector is open.

Safari 11.1

The appearance of the icon has changed slightly in Safari 11.1:

enter image description here

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Tenzian Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 04:09
