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How do I determine the number of x86 machine instructions executed in a C program?

I'm currently working on a homework problem that asks me to find out the number of machine code instructions that are executed when running a short program I wrote in C.

The question says I am able to use whatever tools I want to figure it out, but I'm fairly new to C and have very little idea how to go about this.

What types of tools do I need to figure this out?

like image 981
K. Heckman Avatar asked Jan 24 '19 21:01

K. Heckman

People also ask

How do you determine the number of instructions?

The number of instructions per second and floating point operations per second for a processor can be derived by multiplying the number of instructions per cycle with the clock rate (cycles per second given in Hertz) of the processor in question.

How many x86 instructions are there?

Below is the full 8086/8088 instruction set of Intel (81 instructions total). Most if not all of these instructions are available in 32-bit mode; they just operate on 32-bit registers (eax, ebx, etc.) and values instead of their 16-bit (ax, bx, etc.) counterparts.

How many bits are x86 instructions?

64-bit x86 includes SSE2 (an extension to 32-bit x86), which provides 128-bit registers for specific instructions. Most CPUs made since 2011 also have AVX, a further extension that lengthens these registers to 256 bits.

How much memory is needed to store a word in the x86 instruction set?

The basic storage unit for all data in an x86 computer is a byte. 1 byte contains 8 bits. Other storage sizes are word (2 bytes), doubleword (4 bytes), and quadword (8 bytes).

1 Answers

Terminology: what you're asking for is dynamic instruction count. e.g. counting an instruction inside a loop every time it's executed. This is usually roughly correlated with performance, but instructions-per-cycle can vary wildly.

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Something people also look at is static instruction count (or more usually just code-size, because that's what really matters for instruction-cache footprint, and disk-load times). For variable-length instruction sets like x86, those are correlated but not the same thing. On a RISC with fixed-length instructions, like MIPS or AArch64, it's closer but you still have padding for alignment of the start of functions, for example. That's a totally separate metric. gcc -Os optimizes for code-size while trying not to sacrifice to much speed.

If you're on Linux, use gcc -O2 foo.c to compile your code. -O2 doesn't enable auto-vectorization for gcc. (It does for clang). It's probably a good baseline level of optimization that will get rid of stuff in your C code that doesn't actually need to happen, to avoid silly differences between using more or fewer tmp variables to break up a big expression. Maybe use -Og if you want minimal optimization, or -O0 if you want really dumb braindead code that compiles each statement separately and never keeps anything in registers between statements. (Why does clang produce inefficient asm with -O0 (for this simple floating point sum)?).

Yes, it matters a huge amount how you compile. gcc -O3 -march=native -ffast-math might use a lot fewer instructions, if it auto-vectorizes a loop.

To stop your code from optimizing away, take an input from a command-line arg, or read it from a volatile variable. Like volatile int size_volatile = 1234; int size = size_volatile;. And return or print a result, because if the program has no side-effects then the most efficient implementation is to just exit immediately.

Then run perf stat ./a.out. That will use hardware performance counters to give you total instructions executed on behalf of your process. (Along with other counters, like CPU core clock cycles, and some software counters like page-faults and time in microseconds.)

To count only user-space instructions, use perf stat -e instructions:u ./a.out. (Or in recent perf versions, perf stat --all-user ./a.out to apply :u to all events, even the default set.) Each hardware event counter has 2 bits that indicate whether it should be counting events in user, supervisor, or both, so the kernel's perf code doesn't have to run an instruction to stop counters for :u events or anything like that.

That will still be a very big number even for a simple "hello world" program, like 180k if built normally, because that includes dynamic-linker startup and all the code that runs inside library functions. And CRT startup code that calls your main, and that makes an exit system call with main's return value, if you return instead of calling exit(3).

You might statically link your C program to reduce that startup overhead, by compiling with gcc -O2 -static -fno-stack-protector -fno-pie -no-pie

perf counting instructions:u seems to be pretty accurate on my Skylake CPU. A statically-linked x86-64 binary that contains only 2 instructions gets 3 counts. Apparently there's one extra instruction being counted in the transition between kernel and user mode in one direction, but that's pretty minor.

$ cat > exit.asm <<EOF
global _start       ; hand-written asm to check perf overhead
    mov eax, 231     ; _NR_exit_group
    syscall          ; exit_group(EDI) (in practice zero)
$ nasm -felf64 exit.asm && ld -o exit  exit.o   # static executable, no CRT or libc
$ perf stat -e instructions:u ./exit

 Performance counter stats for './exit':

                 3      instructions:u                                              

       0.000651529 seconds time elapsed

# for this 2-instruction hand-written program

Using ld on its own is somewhat similar to linking with gcc -nostdlib -static (which also implies -no-pie; static-pie is a separate thing)

Minimal instruction count for a C program with CRT and libc: about 33k

A statically-linked binary made by the C compiler that calls puts twice counts 33,202 instructions:u. I compiled with gcc -O2 -static -fno-stack-protector -fno-pie -no-pie hello.c.

Seems reasonable for glibc init functions, including stdio, and CRT startup stuff before calling main. (main itself only has 8 instructions, which I checked with objdump -drwC -Mintel a.out | less).

If main just exited without printing, or especially if it called _exit(0) or exit_group(0) (the raw system calls, bypassing atexit stuff), you'd have fewer instructions from not using stdio.

Other resources:

  • Number of executed Instructions different for Hello World program Nasm Assembly and C

    @MichaelPetch's answer shows how to use an alternate libc (MUSL) that doesn't need startup code to run for its printf to work. So you can compile a C program and set its main as the ELF entry point (and call _exit() instead of returning).

  • How can I profile C++ code running on Linux? There are tons of profiling tools for finding hotspots, and expensive functions (including the time spent in functions they call, i.e. stack backtrace profiling). Mostly this isn't about counting instructions, though.

Binary instrumentation tools:

These are the heavy duty tools for counting instructions, including counting only specific kinds of instructions.

  • Intel Pin - A Dynamic Binary Instrumentation Tool

  • Intel® Software Development Emulator (SDE) This is based on PIN, and is handy for things like testing AVX512 code on a dev machine that doesn't support AVX512. (It dynamically recompiles so most instructions run natively, but unsupported instructions call an emulation routine.)

    For example, sde64 -mix -- ./my_program will print an instruction-mix for your program, with total counts for each different instruction, and breakdowns by categories. See libsvm compiled with AVX vs no AVX for an example of the kind of output.

    It also gives you a table of total dynamic instruction counts per-function, as well as per-thread and global. SDE mix output doesn't work well on PIE executable, though: it thinks the dynamic linker is the executable (because it is), so compile with gcc -O2 -no-pie -fno-pie prog.c -o prog. It still doesn't see the puts calls or main itself in the profile output for a hello world test program, though, and I don't know why not.

  • Calculating “FLOP” using Intel® Software Development Emulator (Intel® SDE) An example of using SDE to count certain kinds of instructions, like vfmadd231pd.

    Intel CPUs have HW perf counters for events like fp_arith_inst_retired.256b_packed_double, so you can use those to count FLOPs instead. They actually count FMA as 2 events. So if you have an Intel CPU that can run your code natively, you can do that instead with perf stat -e -e fp_arith_inst_retired.256b_packed_double,fp_arith_inst_retired.128b_packed_double,fp_arith_inst_retired.scalar_double. (And/or the events for single-precision.)

    But there aren't events for most other specific kinds of instructions, only FP math.

This is all Intel stuff; IDK what AMD has, or any stuff for ISAs other than x86. These are just the tools I've heard of; I'm sure there are lots of things I'm leaving out.

like image 116
Peter Cordes Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 13:11

Peter Cordes