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How do I create an AngularJS UI bootstrap popover with HTML content?

I want to create a bootstrap popover with a pre tag containing a prettified JSON object. The naive implementation,

<span popover='<pre>{[ some_obj | json:"  " ]}</pre>'       popover-trigger='mouseenter'> 

escapes the content before inserting it into the popup. What's the best way of specifying a popover body with html content?

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Andrey Fedorov Avatar asked May 23 '13 19:05

Andrey Fedorov

People also ask

What is popover AngularJS?

Popovers can contain any arbitrary HTML, Angular bindings and even directives! Simply enclose desired content or title in a <ng-template> element.

What is UI Bootstrap?

Bootstrap UI is a consistent library of design patterns for building beautiful and intuitive web apps on Bootstrap, the most popular CSS framework on the web.

What is UI in AngularJS?

Mobile Angular UI is an open-source framework for developing hybrid mobile apps. Mobile Angular UI makes use of Twitter Bootstrap and AngularJS that helps to create attractive HTML5 hybrid mobile and desktop apps.

2 Answers


As can been seen in this, you should now be able to do this without overriding the default template.


As of angular 1.2+ ng-bind-html-unsafe has been removed. You should be using the $sce service Reference.

Here is a filter for creating trusted HTML.

MyApp.filter('unsafe', ['$sce', function ($sce) {     return function (val) {         return $sce.trustAsHtml(val);     }; }]); 

Here is the overwritten Angular Bootstrap 0.11.2 template making use of this filter

// update popover template for binding unsafe html angular.module("template/popover/popover.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function ($templateCache) {     $templateCache.put("template/popover/popover.html",       "<div class=\"popover {{placement}}\" ng-class=\"{ in: isOpen(), fade: animation() }\">\n" +       "  <div class=\"arrow\"></div>\n" +       "\n" +       "  <div class=\"popover-inner\">\n" +       "      <h3 class=\"popover-title\" ng-bind-html=\"title | unsafe\" ng-show=\"title\"></h3>\n" +       "      <div class=\"popover-content\"ng-bind-html=\"content | unsafe\"></div>\n" +       "  </div>\n" +       "</div>\n" +       ""); }]); 

EDIT: Here is a Plunker implementation.

EDIT 2: As this answer keeps getting hits, I'll keep it updated as best I can. As a reference Here is the template from the angular-ui bootstrap repo. If this changes, the override template will require matching updates and the addition of the ng-bind-html=\"title | unsafe\" and ng-bind-html=\"content | unsafe\" attributes to continue working.

For updated conversation check the issue here.

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Matthew.Lothian Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 19:09


Use the popover-template directive

If you are using a version of angular-ui equal or above 0.13.0, your best option is to use the popover-template directive. Here is how to use it:

<button popover-template="'popover.html'">My HTML popover</button>  <script type="text/ng-template" id="popover.html">     <div>         Popover content     </div> </script> 

NB: Do not forget the quotes around the template name in popover-template="'popover.html'".

See demo plunker

As a side note, it is possible to externalize the popover template in a dedicated html file, instead of declaring it in a <script type="text/ng-template> element as above.

See second demo plunker

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Michael P. Bazos Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 19:09

Michael P. Bazos