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How do I configure Hudson to run on port 80?

I'm setting up Hudson as an integration server that I expect other developers and stackholders to access. Rather than have to pass around urls with a specific port, I'd like to configure Hudson to listen on port 80.

The default port from installing Hudson as a service is 8080. I'd like to change this to 80, on a Server 2008 R2 or windows 7 machine that isn't running IIS or Apache.

like image 809
Peter Bernier Avatar asked May 24 '11 17:05

Peter Bernier

People also ask

How do I install Hudson on Windows?

2 Installing Hudson on Windows. Navigate to Manage Hudson, then Install as Windows Service. This enables you to configure Hudson as a standard Windows service. For instructions, see http://wiki.hudson-ci.org/display/HUDSON/Installing+Hudson+as+a+Windows+service .

1 Answers

Do the following to reconfigure the port :

  • Edit hudson.xml (found in your hudson installation directory)
    • change the parameter string on line 44 to reference port 80 (--httpPort=8080 to --httpPort 80)
  • Depending on what plugins you may have set up, there may be other references to the hudson url. Find these by doing a text search in the hudson directory on ':8080' and removing the port number.
  • Disable the 'World Wide Web Publishing Service' service. By default, this service consumes port 80, which is the port we want to use.
  • Verify that your machine is configured to accept an external connection on port 80 (ie, open a firewall port)
  • Restart the Hudson service.
like image 139
Peter Bernier Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 22:09

Peter Bernier