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In Hudson or Jenkins, how can you restore deleted builds?

I accidentally deleted some builds for a job that I would have rather kept. I restored the builds on disk from backup, but they still do not show up when I am on the status page for that job.

I have tried both triggering another build for the job and re-starting Hudson.

How can I fully-restore these builds? Is there a DB that Hudson uses to store this type of information?

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Kevin Crowell Avatar asked Aug 02 '10 21:08

Kevin Crowell

People also ask

How do I restore a deleted Jenkins build?

Job configs are stored on disk under $JENKINS_HOME/jobs , so if you have a backup of that directory, then you can restore the job. Otherwise, there's no "recycle bin" for deleted jobs in Jenkins.

1 Answers

Inside your %HUDSON_HOME% directory is a subdirectory called "jobs". Under "jobs" are subdirectories for every project. Inside each one are subdirectories for each build.

You need to make sure that jobs\<projectname> exists, and then copy the missing build directories inside.

Click "Manage Hudson/Reload Configuration From Disk" to make Hudson recognize the newly added builds. Not necessary to restart your servlet container (e.g. Tomcat) if you use one.

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William Leara Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 04:09

William Leara