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How do I cancel a build that is in progress in Visual Studio?

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How do I stop a build code in Visual Studio?

Based on your description, we verified this issue in VS 2019 and the issue could not be reproduced. If you want to cancel build, you can go to “Build-Cancel Build”, or press “Ctrl + Back” to cancel the build.

How do you stop a build?

Stop a build (console)If the build-project-name : build-ID page is displayed, choose Stop build. In the navigation pane, choose Build history. In the list of builds, select the box for the build, and then choose Stop build.

How do I stop the current publish operation in Visual Studio?

In order to cancel the running build, you can click on Build -> Cancel Build in the top menu.

You can hit Ctrl+Break on the keyboard to cancel/stop a build that is currently in progress.

Go to Visual Studio Build Menu -> cancel build , easy :)

enter image description here

This is crude, but it works well. The Visual Studio on one of my projects (I turn MVC view building on to catch markup errors), well, the project becomes unresponsive while building. I can't cancel the build using the keyboard shortcuts.

So I made this batch file that sits on my quick launch task bar.

@echo off
for /L %%i in (1,1,10) do (
   Taskkill /IM aspnet_compiler.exe /F
   timeout 1

I also made the batch file launch minimized. The build stops and Visual Studio just throws in the error window that there was a problem building.

Ctrl + Break works, but only if the Build window is active. Also, interrupting the build will sometimes leave a corrupted .obj file that will have to be manually deleted in order for the build to proceed.