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How do I access a private constructor in a separate class?

I'm writing a library in C++. I have two classes in my library, A and B. I want to hide the A() constructor from any code that references my library. I also want class B to be able to call the A() constructor.

I come from a C# background and remember little of my C++. In C#, I would simply declare the A() constructor as internal. I've read that the closest way to do this in C++ is a combination of friend declarations and forward-declarations. How do I do this? Here are my three files below:


#pragma once
class A


#pragma once
class A;
class B
        A createA();


#include "A.h"
#include "B.h"

A B::createA()
    A result; //cannot access private member declare in class 'A'
    return result;

I've tried adding this to A.h:

public: friend A createA();

I've instead tried adding this to A.h with a corresponding forward declaration:

public: friend A B::createA();

I've instead tried adding and extern class B; to A.h and making B a class like this:

public: friend class B;

I'm at a loss.

I think this might be easier if I have the B::createA() function return a pointer to an A object rather than an A object directly, but that won't do in my case. I am emulating a closed API and the API call returns an A object rather than a pointer.

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user2023861 Avatar asked Sep 09 '13 18:09


People also ask

Can an object be created with a private constructor outside the class?

A private constructor does not allow to create an object outside the class.

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We can declare a constructor private by using the private access specifier. Note that if a constructor is declared private, we are not able to create an object of the class. Instead, we can use this private constructor in Singleton Design Pattern.

How can you use a private constructor?

Private constructors are used to prevent creating instances of a class when there are no instance fields or methods, such as the Math class, or when a method is called to obtain an instance of a class. If all the methods in the class are static, consider making the complete class static.

Can we call private constructor?

Yes, we can access the private constructor or instantiate a class with private constructor.

2 Answers

You probably just need to drop the "extern" from your third attempt to turn it into a proper forward-declaration. Try:


#pragma once
class B;
class A
    friend class B;
like image 96
Daniel Frey Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 03:10

Daniel Frey

You don't need the external keyword. Make it simple:

// In A.h

class B;  // Forward declaration

class A
    friend class B; // Make all the class B friend

// In B.h

class B
    A createA() {}

Live Example.

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Pierre Fourgeaud Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 02:10

Pierre Fourgeaud