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How do android "app lock" applications work?



I've tried googling, and looking on stackoverflow as well, but I can't seem to find any satisfying answer as to how the "App lock" applications(eg: ZDBox, App Lock, etc..) work. Is there a service that runs in the background continuously polling to see if the app is launched and tries to kill it? Or is there a way to intercept launch intents for new activities?

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Apoorva Iyer Avatar asked Oct 02 '11 00:10

Apoorva Iyer

People also ask

What does locking an app do in Android?

Once you've locked the app, the lock icon will change (Figure C) and the app will remain in the overview. At this point, the apps you've locked cannot be removed from the Overview until you unlock them. As you might expect, to unlock an app, all you have to do is tap the lock button.

Can you password lock apps on Android?

Go to Settings and select “Biometrics and security.” Tap on “Secure Folder,” then “Lock type.” Choose between Pattern, PIN, Password or a biometric option like fingerprint or iris, and create that password. Go to your app drawer and tap “Secure Folder.” Tap “Add apps.”

Why would you lock an app?

Android does let third-party apps control access to other apps, so you can install one of these app lockers and block access to any apps you don't want other people snooping around inside. A passcode is usually required to gain access, though some locking tools can work with fingerprint sensors or face recognition.

2 Answers

there is a service running in the background to read the activity stack. if find new activity, will start the passwordActivity

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user930177 Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 14:10


they are watching logcat output. whenever you start an activity, you can find specific logcat. like this,

I/ActivityManager(  585): Starting activity: Intent { action=android.intent.action...} 

if this logcat printed by locked app, locker service starts password screen.

like image 23
chitacan Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 15:10
