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Questions about preparing an apk for the Amazon Android App Store

Amazon's documentation is surprising lacking in information about the submitting binary process. From what I can tell, you submit an unsigned binary and they wrap it in their own code and produce a signed apk?

This leaves several questions:

  1. Does the Amazon App Store perform a zipalign for you?
  2. If you have your app in the Android Market (Google's) already, is it recommended to use the same package name or a different one? Does it make any difference?
  3. I also saw elsewhere, that they offer the option to download the apk they prepare and sign it with your own key. Is it recommended to take this and then sign it with the same key you are using in the Android Market? Does it make any difference?

Are there any other considerations or pitfalls that one should know before diving into this process?


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cottonBallPaws Avatar asked Jun 02 '11 17:06


People also ask

What is APK file how do you prepare app for release?

When you are finished preparing your application for release you have a signed APK file, which you can distribute directly to users or distribute through an application marketplace such as Google Play. This document summarizes the main tasks you need to perform to prepare your application for release.

What is an APK what are the things required to do before generating APK in Android Studio?

To generate a signed APK file, open the Build menu from the toolbar and select Generate Signed Bundle/APK. This opens up a screen where you have to select between creating an Android App Bundle and creating an APK file. Check the APK radio button and proceed to the next window.

Which should be unique for each APK?

Each APK for the same application must have a unique version code, specified by the android:versionCode attribute.

1 Answers

  1. Yes. Amazon wraps your binary with code specific to their appstore that allows them to collect analytics data and enforce DRM. The app will be repackaged after that.

  2. You should use the same package name. The Amazon distribution agreement currently has a number of provisos; e.g., that your app is not priced lower on another app store. They also do occasional checks to see whether the version of your app on the market is up to date. These checks are primarily done using the package name; changing the package name of your app could easily be viewed by them as a means to evade the terms of the agreement.

  3. No. There may be good reasons why one would want to do this, but none that I can think of. By default, Amazon signs your apk with a signature that is specific to your Amazon developer account.


Read this. In particular, ensure that the app links correctly to the Amazon app store and not the Android market, or others. I don't have inside data, but I'd wager a fair amount that the vast majority of submissions that Amazon turn down fall afoul of that requirement.

Edit: Point 2 is no longer correct; see comment below.

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Michael A. Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 18:09

Michael A.