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How do Adobe PhoneGap and Apache Cordova differ?




So far, I haven't been able to find a "plain English" explanation of the difference between Apache Cordova and PhoneGap, and when to use either of them.

I'm looking to build an app with one of them, and I have the following constraints:

  • It needs to be open source (preferably GPL, APL2, etc.)
  • It needs to have a good dev community backing it (and preferably good docs)
  • It needs to take the same javaScript and use it produce native binaries for Android, iOS, Windows Phone and Blackberry (write once, run anywhere)

If both these libraries/SDKs can accomplish these requirements, then how do I determine which project to go with? Is this a "Jenkins/Hudson" thing or are they really two separate projects? Thanks in advance!

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IAmYourFaja Avatar asked Sep 07 '12 12:09


People also ask

Is Apache Cordova is an open source version of PhoneGap?

The same is true here: Cordova is the open source version of the framework, while PhoneGap is the Adobe-branded version.

What is Apache Cordova used for?

Apache Cordova enables software programmers to build hybrid web applications for mobile devices using CSS3, HTML5, and JavaScript, instead of relying on platform-specific APIs like those in Android, iOS, or Windows Phone.

What is the main difference between Cordova and xamarin apps?

Xamarin is a tool for cross-platform app development, enabling close to native performance and user experience. Cordova represents the hybrid app development with short time-to-market a lower cost.

What is difference between PhoneGap and ionic?

Ionic provides a better experience to look and feel for mobile applications. Phonegap is a web-based UI that does not give a better experience to look and feel for mobile applications. Ionic has great community support. Phonegap does not offer good community support.

1 Answers

PhoneGap was originally an open source project by Nitobi for packaging HTML5 code within native 'wrappers' for the creation of mobile applications. Adobe acquired Nitobi and the PhoneGap technology. Adobe proceeded to contribute the PhoneGap code to the Apache Software Foundation in order to ensure that it remains open source. At this point the name was changed to Cordova, with Adobe maintaining the PhoneGap name and brand.

Adobe plans to add value to Cordova under the PhoneGap name, such as adding tool support and services such as PhoneGap Build.

Currently many people still use the PhoneGap name to describe the open source framework (possibly because it is a better name!), but over time, this will probably change as Adobe builds on the PhoneGap brand and product range.

From a developer perspective, this is a pretty good situation, the framework remains open source, but if you want added value, you pay Adobe.

like image 197
ColinE Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 02:09
