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Is PhoneGap a good choice for App Development? [closed]

I am a new iOS Developer, but knows nothing about Android development and Java at this moment. I am going to invest time in learning a tool to develop Android version of apps. PhoneGap sounds powerful for its cross-platform ability, but I am not sure if there are any drawbacks. Could anyone tell me the pros and cons of using PhoneGap? Based on your experience, would you suggest me to go for native Android or PhoneGap? Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

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John Avatar asked Nov 18 '12 11:11


People also ask

What are the limitations of PhoneGap?

PhoneGap APIs are built using JavaScript which is not multi-threaded and hence do not support background processing. Access advanced native functionality: A number of native APIs are not yet supported by PhoneGap's APIs. Complex Business Logic: A number of applications such as enterprise applications are quite complex.

Is PhoneGap still relevant?

And referring to marketing signals, it should be mentioned that PhoneGap Build was discontinued in October 2020.

Why was PhoneGap discontinued?

Since 2008, the industry and market has evolved and PhoneGap usage has declined. “In the context of these developments and declining PhoneGap usage, Adobe is focusing on providing a platform that enables developers to build, extend, customize and integrate with Adobe products,” the company wrote in a post.

Which is the best technology to choose for mobile app development in 2022?

Xamarin is generally considered the best framework for developing mobile applications and is the closest to being native. Xamarin uses C# and the . Net framework to compile native code into various mobile binaries, making Xamarin apps feel like their native counterparts.

2 Answers

I've been developing with Phonegap quite a while ago.
NOTE: this is all based on my own experience


  • You don't need any 'native' experience, only intermediate 'web development skills' will be enough.
  • For 95% you don't have to worry if it'll work on both iOS and Android, because Phonegap does all your worries, Just use the Phonegap Libs.
  • As for my experience, for iOS it is really easy and fast to test.
    • Another part of my team was building the 'android version'. Don't worry, you don't need to. That was a personal choice. In the end we merged everything together and only needed rechecks on a few things. (e.g. different layouts on different pages. See the Cons for more about this.)


  • You have to think about the buttons you are going to use. Android devices have an own 'back' button. As for iOS you need to develop this in your application. This is a choice of your own, but you might ending up designing two pages.
  • Performance wise Phonegap is not the best.. I cannot tell you the exact reason for this, core-wise. Our application didn't need a highly graphical interface, but Phonegap seemed to struggle with 'decent' webpages already. So, when you are planning to build a game or some app that needs high graphical performance, you'd better go native.

Then I did some quick research for you.

  • Here I found a nice mobile framework comparison. (via this SO q.)
  • Here is a really well-written article comparing Titanium, Phonegap and Native application development.
  • Here are pro's and cons listed.

Binding all together, it really depends on the purpose of your application.
When designing a game or other application that needs high graphical performance, you'd better go native programming.
When you are planning to build a light weight application and you already have web development knowledge, I recommend Phonegap.

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Carsten Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 12:09


You're looking for a tool to develop Android version of apps which already exist? So cross-platform ability, which is a key benefit, won't be used?

I'd recommend you to invest some time in native Android development. You are probably familiar with Objective-C, getting into JAVA won't be a tough task. Native apps get better ratings than web apps because of their consistent look (buttons and other layout components) and way better performance. PhoneGap apps run enjoyable on iOS devices but lag even on dual-core Androids like the Samsung Galaxy Nexus.

Getting started:

  • Android SDK Download
  • Eclipse IDE Download
  • Google's Getting Started Training
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ottel142 Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 12:09
