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ionic Failed to load webpage with error: Could not connect to the server

I'm having an issue with Ionic projects after updating to Xcode 6 and iOS 8.

When trying to run projects I get the following error in Xcode:

Failed to load webpage with error: Could not connect to the server. 

The full log is:

2014-10-11 14:08:29.468 test[23293:109668] Apache Cordova native platform version 3.6.3 is starting. 2014-10-11 14:08:29.469 test[23293:109668] Multi-tasking -> Device: YES, App: YES 2014-10-11 14:08:29.495 test[23293:109668] Unlimited access to network resources 2014-10-11 14:08:29.866 test[23293:109668] [CDVTimer][keyboard] 0.079989ms 2014-10-11 14:08:29.866 test[23293:109668] [CDVTimer][TotalPluginStartup] 0.284970ms 2014-10-11 14:08:30.721 test[23293:109668] Resetting plugins due to page load. 2014-10-11 14:08:30.764 test[23293:109668] Failed to load webpage with error: Could not connect to the server. 

Even when trying to update Ionic and Cordova and starting a new project this error keeps popping up.

I couldn't find any threads with this particular error and I'm not sure if this is an iOS 8 compatibility issue or something is messed up with my setup.



A bit more info on what's in the index.html and app.js


<!DOCTYPE html> <html ng-app="app" ng-controller="AppCtrl">   <head>     <meta charset="utf-8">     <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=no, width=device-width">      <!-- compiled CSS -->     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="assets/app-0.0.1.css" />      <!-- compiled JavaScript -->     <script type="text/javascript" src="src/app/app.js"></script>      <!-- cordova script (this will be a 404 during development) -->     <script src="cordova.js"></script>   </head>   <body >     <ion-nav-view></ion-nav-view>       <!-- Load deferred scripts -->      <!-- Google Maps -->     <script src='http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?sensor=true&callback=googleMapsLoaded' defer async></script>   </body> </html> 

and app.js (before compilation with the rest of the files using ngbp):

angular.module( 'app', [   'ionic',    // Common requirements   'templates-app',   'templates-common',    // Common Components   'app.auth',    // All page modules   'app.businesses',   'app.business',   'app.search',   'app.branch',   'app.profile',   'app.feed',    // Other dependencies   'ui.router' ])  .config(['$stateProvider', '$urlRouterProvider', function myAppConfig ($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {   $stateProvider   .state('app', {     url: "/app",     abstract: true,     templateUrl: "menu/menu.tpl.html",     controller: 'AppCtrl'   });    $urlRouterProvider.otherwise( 'app/feed' ); }])  .run(['$ionicPlatform', 'appAuthService', '$sessionStorage', function($ionicPlatform, appAuthService, $sessionStorage) {   // Initialize ionic styles   $ionicPlatform.ready(function() {     if(window.StatusBar) {       // org.apache.cordova.statusbar required       StatusBar.styleDefault();       StatusBar.styleLightContent();     }   });    // Initialize app authentication service   appAuthService.init();    // Initialize a session cache validation object   $sessionStorage.updated = {}; }])  .controller( 'AppCtrl', ['$scope', '$location', function AppCtrl ($scope, $location) {  }])  ; 
like image 977
BarakChamo Avatar asked Oct 11 '14 11:10


2 Answers

I had the same problem.

I opened the ios project in the platform folder via Xcode, but I forgot that the codebase in the Xcode folder was not up to date and therefore broken.

To get the new code in your Xcode project use the command:

ionic cordova prepare ios 

If your problem is rooted in the same as mine this should help.

like image 182
tobika Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 16:09


This error may also occur if you open the project using Xcode after used the live debugging with the emulator

ionic cordova emulate ios --livereload -lc

To solve the issue, close Xcode and build the project again using

ionic cordova build ios 

Then build and run using Xcode.

like image 33
Future2020 Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 16:09
