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How could revise the recursive algorithm to find the shortest path?


I implemented a recursive path finding algorithm. This recursive algorithm works based on a pre-set of nodes connected together. Each node has four pointers containing further direction: Top, Button, Left and Right. The recursive algorithm simply walks through each node and looking for each of these four directions one by one toward reaching its final destination; an illustration, consider the following 7 nodes: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H.

    A (Button->D, Right->B)
    B (Right->C, Left->B)
    C (Left->B)
    D (Button->G, Right->E, Top->A)
    E (Right->F, Left->D)
    F (Left->E)
    G (Right->H, Top->D)
    H (Left->G)

These nodes when comes to an overall view will display the following figure.


In this example, suppose the walker started node is Node A and wants to go to Node H as its final destination. Node A looks at its own Right, Button, Left and Top by order; its right pointed to Node B as a result he chooses to go to Node B; Node B in same pattern chooses to go to its right, Node C. When the walker reaches node C; as its Right, Top and Button is blocked, Node C reverts back to Node B. As well node B reverts back Node A. The walker comes back to the start point again. Then Node A goes to its button node base on the order; which means it goes to Node D. Node D goes to its right Node E and then Node F. As Node F is blocked; it goes back to Node E and Node D. Afterwards, Node D chooses to go its button, Node G according to walker order. From there Node G goes to Node H. Finally, the walker reaches its final destination.

Pseudocode: Recursive Path Finding Algorithm
ArrayList findPath(GameObject currentPoint , GameObject targetPoint , ArrayList InputArrayList)
1-Duplicate InputArrayList as tempArrayList

2-If the currentPoint equals to target Point return inputArrayList
//*** End Condition found target

3-If the Right side of the currentPoint is empty goto step 4
3.1- Add currentPoint to tempArrayList
//*** Call Right
3.2- tempArrayList = findPath(currentpoint.Right, targetPoint, tempArrayList);
3.3- If tempArrayList is not null return tempArrayList
4-If the Button side of the currentPoint is empty goto step 5
4.1- Add currentPoint to tempArrayList
//*** Call Button
4.2- tempArrayList = findPath(currentpoint.Button, targetPoint, tempArrayList);
4.3- If tempArrayList is not null return tempArrayList
5-If the Left side of the currentPoint is empty goto step 6
5.1- Add currentPoint to tempArrayList
//*** Call Left
5.2- tempArrayList = findPath(currentpoint.Left, targetPoint, tempArrayList);
5.3- If tempArrayList is not null return tempArrayList
6-If the Top side of the currentPoint is empty goto step 7
6.1- Add currentPoint to tempArrayList
//*** Call Top
6.2- tempArrayList = findPath(currentpoint.Top, targetPoint, tempArrayList);
6.3- If tempArrayList is not null return tempArrayList
7-Return null;
//*** End Condition does not found target

Note: The actual code is in C#, You can download it from this link.

Rise of problem in the case study: As you understand this code; it has a weakness, to illustrate it; considering the following overall view of nodes, with the assumption that the start node is Node A and the final destination is Node H.

|   | |

Though the best path solution is (A, D, G, H), The explained recursive path finding algorithm finds (A, D, E, F, I, K, J, H) as its solution; this really seems the Robot is a stupid robot :D !

Figure 1: The recursive path finding algorithm enter image description here

Figure 2: The recursive path finding algorithm with the ability to learn enter image description here

I resolved the problem by adding the learning ability for the nodes. You could see from this link the details of issue. But, I would wonder if anybody could revise the recursive algorithm to found the shortest path.

Thank you,

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Danial Avatar asked Jul 25 '13 10:07


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1 Answers

Why not simply compare it to Dijkstra and A* search?

Note by using recursion instead of a loop, you're likely to get a StackOverflow at 1025 recursions.

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Geoffrey De Smet Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 23:09

Geoffrey De Smet