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How could I add a column to a DataFrame in Pyspark with incremental values?

I have a DataFrame called 'df' like the following:

|  Atr1 |  Atr2 |  Atr3 |
|   A   |   A   |   A   |
|   B   |   A   |   A   |
|   C   |   A   |   A   |

I want to add a new column to it with incremental values and get the following updated DataFrame:

|  Atr1 |  Atr2 |  Atr3 |  Atr4 |
|   A   |   A   |   A   |   1   |
|   B   |   A   |   A   |   2   |
|   C   |   A   |   A   |   3   |

How could I get it?

like image 367
jartymcfly Avatar asked Sep 14 '17 08:09


1 Answers

If you only need incremental values (like an ID) and if there is no constraint that the numbers need to be consecutive, you could use monotonically_increasing_id(). The only guarantee when using this function is that the values will be increasing for each row, however, the values themself can differ each execution.

from pyspark.sql.functions import monotonically_increasing_id

df.withColumn("Atr4", monotonically_increasing_id())
like image 90
Shaido Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 14:09
