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How can to change ui-icon's color in PrimeFaces?

I am developing a Web Java Application with JSF 2.2 and PrimeFaces 6.0. I am building a p:tree and I would like to change the ui-icons color as, for example, in the next picture (the text is censoring).

enter image description here

My xhtml code is:

<p:tree value="#{docBean.root}" var="doc">
    <p:treeNode expandedIcon="ui-icon-folder-open" collapsedIcon="ui-icon-folder-collapsed">
        <h:outputText value="#{doc.name}" />

I tried with...

    color: red;

...but the just icon background changed to red.

Thank you!

like image 618
Juan Camacho Avatar asked Jan 05 '17 04:01

Juan Camacho

People also ask

How can I change the color of my icons?

Search for and select Open App, and then, on the New Shortcut page, tap Choose. Locate the app whose appearance you want to change. Back on the New Shortcut page, you'll see the app name; tap More (three dots), change the app's name, tap its icon, select Color, and choose a new color.

How do I change the color of my ionic icon?

Specify the icon color by applying the color CSS property on the ion-icon component.

How do I use prime icons?

prime icons can be used in HTML content using the i or span` tag. pi pi-{iconname} class attributes are added to tag i or span tag to display in the browser.

1 Answers

For me the most flexible and easiest solution is to use font-awesome 'icons' for the nodes. They are not effectively icons but as the name states, fonts. So these can be changed by css. Hence their popularity and why they are also included in PrimeFaces

The PrimeFaces showcase for tree with icons shows that you can add custom icons for nodes, both the open and closed ones and also for the leaves. Luckily everything you add in the corresponding attributes client-side ends up in 'class' attributes on the html AND you can add multiple white space values in the attributes. This is what font-awesome needs, so by adding expandedIcon="fa fa-folder-open" or collapsedIcon="fa fa-folder" you can get the right icons and with a default style of .fa { color: orange} you get exactly what you want.

enter image description here

In a full example with changed leaves would be something like this:


    .fa { 
        color: orange;

   <p:tree value="#{treeIconView.root}" var="doc">
        <p:treeNode expandedIcon="fa fa-folder-open" collapsedIcon="fa fa-folder">
            <h:outputText value="#{doc.name}"/>

        <p:treeNode type="document" icon="fa fa-file-o">
            <h:outputText value="#{doc.name}" />

        <p:treeNode type="picture" icon="fa fa-file-picture-o">
            <h:outputText value="#{doc.name}" />

        <p:treeNode type="mp3" icon="fa fa-file-video-o">
            <h:outputText value="#{doc.name}" />

But you can go a lot further. Look at the following image:

enter image description here

It is produced with the following example:


    .fa { 
        color: orange;

    .videoColor {
        color: blue;

    .colorOpen {
        color: green;

    .fa-file-picture-o {
        color: purple;

    .color30KB {
        color: red;

    <p:tree value="#{treeIconView.root}" var="doc">
        <p:treeNode expandedIcon="fa fa-folder-open colorOpen" collapsedIcon="fa fa-folder">
            <h:outputText value="#{doc.name}"/>

        <p:treeNode type="document" icon="fa fa-file-o">
            <h:outputText value="#{doc.name}" />

        <p:treeNode type="picture" icon="fa fa-file-picture-o #{doc.size == '30 KB' ? 'color30KB' : '' }">
            <h:outputText value="#{doc.name}" />

        <p:treeNode type="mp3" icon="fa fa-file-video-o videoColor">
            <h:outputText value="#{doc.name}" />

You can add additional 'classes' in the icon attributes, but you can also use the fa classes that are already added and use that in css selectors, or you can add specific conditional 'classes' in the icons based on values etc... And since it can all be changed by css, you can not only change the color, but also the size, rotation, css animations or whatever.

like image 171
Kukeltje Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 08:09
