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How can packages be unhidden when using only stack?

I'd like to try out the Writer monad in ghci. As advised here, I tried to use only stack to manage GHC and packages, and avoid a global installation.

From a fresh Ubuntu 15.04 install, after installing stack:

stack setup
mkdir lyah && cd lyah
stack new
stack install mtl
stack ghci
ghci> import Control.Monad.Writer
Could not find module ‘Control.Monad.Writer’
It is a member of the hidden package ‘mtl-’.

I understand that pre-stack ghc-pkg was used to show/hide packages, but I'm not sure how to proceed here to 'unhide' the mtl package.

like image 745
jazmit Avatar asked Jul 23 '15 16:07


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1 Answers

Just to complement @Jazmit answer. Be aware that your .cabal file will have two build-depends sections. One under library: and the other under executable my-project-exec. In this case, you'd need to put the module under the executable section.




executable my-project-exe:
    base >= 4.7 && < 5
    , mtl

For further info about library and executable check the docs: https://cabal.readthedocs.io/en/latest/developing-packages.html#editing-the-cabal-file

like image 112
Dan Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 12:09
