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C vs Haskell Collatz conjecture speed comparison [closed]

My first real programming experience was with Haskell. For my ad-hoc needs I required a tool that was easy to learn, quick to code and simple to maintain and I can say it did the job nicely.

However, at one point the scale of my tasks became much bigger and I thought that C might suit them better and it did. Maybe I was not skilled enough in terms of [any] programming, but I was not able to make Haskell as speed-efficient as C, even though I heard that proper Haskell is capable of similar performance.

Recently, I thought I would try some Haskell once more, and while it's still great for generic simple (in terms of computation) tasks, it doesn't seem to be able to match C's speed with problems like Collatz conjecture. I have read:

Speed comparison with Project Euler: C vs Python vs Erlang vs Haskell

GHC Optimization: Collatz conjecture

collatz-list implementation using haskell

But from what I see, simple optimization methods, including:

  • choosing "tighter" types, like Int64 instead of Integer
  • turning GHC optimizations on
  • using simple optimization techniques like avoiding unneccessary computation or simpler functions

still don't make Haskell code even close to almost identical (in terms of methodology) C code for really big numbers. The only thing that seems to make its performance comparable to C's [for big-scale problems] is using optimization methods that make the code a long, horrendous monadic hell, which goes against the principles that Haskell (and I) value so much.

Here's the C version:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>

int32_t col(int64_t n);

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    int64_t n = atoi(argv[1]), i;
    int32_t s, max;

    for(i = 2, max = 0; i <= n; ++i)
        s = col(i);
        if(s > max) max = s;
    printf("%d\n", max);

    return 0;

int32_t col(int64_t n)
    int32_t s;

    for(s = 0; ; ++s)
        if(n == 1) break;
        n = n % 2 ? 3 * n + 1 : n / 2;

    return s;

and the Haskell version:

module Main where

import System.Environment (getArgs)
import Data.Int (Int32, Int64)

main :: IO ()
main = do
    arg <- getArgs
    print $ maxCol 0 (read (head arg) :: Int64)

col :: Int64 -> Int32
col x = col' x 0

col' :: Int64 -> Int32 -> Int32
col' 1 n            = n
col' x n
    | rem x 2 == 0  = col' (quot x 2) (n + 1)
    | otherwise     = col' (3 * x + 1) (n + 1)

maxCol :: Int32 -> Int64 -> Int32
maxCol maxS 2   = maxS
maxCol maxS n
    | s > maxS  = maxCol s (n - 1)
    | otherwise = maxCol maxS (n - 1)
    where s = col n

TL;DR: Is Haskell code quick to write and simple to maintain only for computationally simple tasks and loses this characteristic when performance is crucial?

like image 829
ljedrz Avatar asked Dec 02 '12 12:12


1 Answers

The big problem with your Haskell code is that you are dividing, which you don't in the C version.

Yes, you wrote n % 2 and n / 2, but the compiler replaces that with shifts and bitwise and. GHC has unfortunately not yet been taught to do that.

If you do the substitution yourself

module Main where

import System.Environment (getArgs)
import Data.Int (Int32, Int64)
import Data.Bits

main :: IO ()
main = do
    arg <- getArgs
    print $ maxCol 0 (read (head arg) :: Int64)

col :: Int64 -> Int32
col x = col' x 0

col' :: Int64 -> Int32 -> Int32
col' 1 n            = n
col' x n
    | x .&. 1 == 0  = col' (x `shiftR` 1) (n + 1)
    | otherwise     = col' (3 * x + 1) (n + 1)

maxCol :: Int32 -> Int64 -> Int32
maxCol maxS 2   = maxS
maxCol maxS n
    | s > maxS  = maxCol s (n - 1)
    | otherwise = maxCol maxS (n - 1)
    where s = col n

with a 64-bit GHC you get comparable speed (0.35s vs C's 0.32s on my box for a limit of 1000000). If you compile using the LLVM backend, you don't even need to replace the % 2 and / 2 with bitwise operations, LLVM does that for you (but it produces slower code, 0.4s, for your original Haskell source, surprisingly - normally, LLVM is not worse than the native code generator at loop optimisation).

With a 32-bit GHC, you won't get comparable speed, since with those, the primitive operations on 64-bit integers are implemented through C calls - there never was enough demand for fast 64-bit operations on 32-bit systems for them to be implemented as primops; the few people working on GHC spent their time doing other, more important, things.

TL;DR: Is Haskell code quick to write and simple to maintain only for computationally simple tasks and loses this characteristic when performance is crucial?

That depends. You must have some idea of what sort of code GHC generates from what sort of input, and you must avoid some performance traps. With a bit of practice, it is quite easy to get within say 2× the speed of gcc -O3 for such tasks.

like image 96
Daniel Fischer Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 09:10

Daniel Fischer