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How can I use xargs to copy files that have spaces and quotes in their names?

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How do you pass arguments to xargs?

The -c flag to sh only accepts one argument while xargs is splitting the arguments on whitespace - that's why the double quoting works (one level to make it a single word for the shell, one for xargs).

What is the purpose of the xargs command?

xargs (short for "eXtended ARGumentS") is a command on Unix and most Unix-like operating systems used to build and execute commands from standard input. It converts input from standard input into arguments to a command.

How do I run multiple commands in xargs?

To run multiple commands with xargs , use the -I option. It works by defining a replace-str after the -I option and all occurrences of the replace-str are replaced with the argument passed to xargs.

You can combine all of that into a single find command:

find . -iname "*foobar*" -exec cp -- "{}" ~/foo/bar \;

This will handle filenames and directories with spaces in them. You can use -name to get case-sensitive results.

Note: The -- flag passed to cp prevents it from processing files starting with - as options.

find . -print0 | grep --null 'FooBar' | xargs -0 ...

I don't know about whether grep supports --null, nor whether xargs supports -0, on Leopard, but on GNU it's all good.

The easiest way to do what the original poster wants is to change the delimiter from any whitespace to just the end-of-line character like this:

find whatever ... | xargs -d "\n" cp -t /var/tmp

This is more efficient as it does not run "cp" multiple times:

find -name '*FooBar*' -print0 | xargs -0 cp -t ~/foo/bar

I ran into the same problem. Here's how I solved it:

find . -name '*FoooBar*' | sed 's/.*/"&"/' | xargs cp ~/foo/bar

I used sed to substitute each line of input with the same line, but surrounded by double quotes. From the sed man page, "...An ampersand (``&'') appearing in the replacement is replaced by the string matching the RE..." -- in this case, .*, the entire line.

This solves the xargs: unterminated quote error.

This method works on Mac OS X v10.7.5 (Lion):

find . | grep FooBar | xargs -I{} cp {} ~/foo/bar

I also tested the exact syntax you posted. That also worked fine on 10.7.5.

Just don't use xargs. It is a neat program but it doesn't go well with find when faced with non trivial cases.

Here is a portable (POSIX) solution, i.e. one that doesn't require find, xargs or cp GNU specific extensions:

find . -name "*FooBar*" -exec sh -c 'cp -- "$@" ~/foo/bar' sh {} +

Note the ending + instead of the more usual ;.

This solution:

  • correctly handles files and directories with embedded spaces, newlines or whatever exotic characters.

  • works on any Unix and Linux system, even those not providing the GNU toolkit.

  • doesn't use xargs which is a nice and useful program, but requires too much tweaking and non standard features to properly handle find output.

  • is also more efficient (read faster) than the accepted and most if not all of the other answers.

Note also that despite what is stated in some other replies or comments quoting {} is useless (unless you are using the exotic fishshell).