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How do I run multiple background commands in bash in a single line?





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How do I run multiple commands in the background?

Running Multiple Commands as a Single Job We can start multiple commands as a single job through three steps: Combining the commands – We can use “;“, “&&“, or “||“ to concatenate our commands, depending on the requirement of conditional logic, for example: cmd1; cmd2 && cmd3 || cmd4.

How do you put multiple commands in one line?

Using Semicolon (;) Operator to Run Multiple Linux commands. The semicolon (;) operator enables you to run one or more commands in succession, regardless of whether each earlier command succeeds or not. For example, run the following three commands on one line separated by semicolons (;) and hit enter.

How do you chain multiple commands in bash?

Ampersand Operator (&) Sixth Bash shell command line Chaining Operator (Linux operator) is Ampersand Operator (&). Ampersand Operator is a kind of operator which executes given commands in the background. You can use this operator to execute multiple commands at once.

Exactly how do you want them to run? If you want them to be started in the background and run sequentially, you would do something like this:

{ sleep 2; sleep 3; } &

If you want sleep 3 to run only if sleep 2 succeeds, then:

sleep 2 && sleep 3 &

If, on the other hand, you would like them to run in parallel in the background, you can instead do this:

sleep 2 & sleep 3 &

And the two techniques could be combined, such as:

{ sleep 2; echo first finished; } & { sleep 3; echo second finished; } &

Bash being bash, there's often a multitude of different techniques to accomplish the same task, although sometimes with subtle differences between them.

You need to add some parens in your last version --

(sleep 2 &) && (sleep 3 &)

or this also works --

(sleep 2 &) ; (sleep 3 &)

to run multiple background command you need to add & end of each command. ex: (command1 &) && (command2 &) && (command3 &)

The answers above use parentheses. Bash also can use braces for a similar purpose:

{ sleep 2 && sleep 3; } &

Note that the braces are more picky about syntax--the space after {, the space before }, and the final semicolon are required. In some situations the braces are more efficient because they don't fork a new subshell. In this case I don't know if it makes a difference.

This works:

$(sleep 2 &) && sleep 3 &

Also you can do:

$(sleep 2 && sleep 3) &

You can use the bash command substitution $(command) like this:

$(command1 ; command2) &

Note that stdin and stdout are still linked to the parent process and redirecting at least the stdout can be tricky. So alternatively you can chain the commands in a single line then pass the string to the bash command to spawn a new process which will handle the execution.

bash -c "command1 ; command2" & 

This is especially useful in a bash script when you need to run multiple commands in background.

This two statements should be equivalent. A bash process is spawn in both cases to handle the command (chain of commands) and the & at the end detaches the execution.

This time you can add &>/dev/null before the & at the end of the command to redirect at least the stdout and avoid the output on the stdout of the parent process. Something like:

bash -c "command1 ; command2" &>/dev/null &