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How can I use OVER and ORDER BY

I can't understand this code's bug.


    CariID, HesapID, BTrh, BCinsiID, BNo, Acklm, VdTrh, mTrh, BorcT, AlacakT, 
    SUM(BorcT) OVER (PARTITION BY CariID, HesapID ORDER BY BTrh, BNo, mTrh) AS TopBorcT, 
    SUM(AlacakT) OVER (PARTITION BY CariID, HesapID ORDER BY BTrh, BNo, mTrh ) AS TopAlacakT


Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 3

Incorrect syntax near 'order'.

like image 600
serkan Avatar asked Apr 05 '12 12:04


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Window functions might have the following arguments in their OVER clause: PARTITION BY that divides the query result set into partitions. ORDER BY that defines the logical order of the rows within each partition of the result set.

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1 Answers

With an aggregate function like SUM, you don't use ORDER BY in the OVER clause - you only need to use the PARTITION function. The ORDER is used for ranking functions:

Depending on the ranking, aggregate, or analytic function used with the OVER clause, <ORDER BY clause> and/or the <ROWS and RANGE clause> may not be supported.

Just modify to remove the ORDER in both your aggregates and you should be fine.

like image 120
JNK Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 01:10