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SQL Selecting rows at varying intervals




I've got a situation where I have a huge table, containing a huge number of rows, which looks like (for example):

id          Timestamp               Value
14574499    2011-09-28 08:33:32.020 99713.3000
14574521    2011-09-28 08:33:42.203 99713.3000
14574540    2011-09-28 08:33:47.017 99713.3000
14574559    2011-09-28 08:38:53.177 99720.3100
14574578    2011-09-28 08:38:58.713 99720.3100
14574597    2011-09-28 08:39:03.590 99720.3100
14574616    2011-09-28 08:39:08.950 99720.3100
14574635    2011-09-28 08:39:13.793 99720.3100
14574654    2011-09-28 08:39:19.063 99720.3100
14574673    2011-09-28 08:39:23.780 99720.3100
14574692    2011-09-28 08:39:29.167 99758.6400
14574711    2011-09-28 08:39:33.967 99758.6400
14574730    2011-09-28 08:39:40.803 99758.6400
14574749    2011-09-28 08:39:49.297 99758.6400

Ok, so the rules are: The timestamps can be any n number of seconds apart, 5s, 30s, 60s etc, it varies depending on how old the record is (archiving takes place).

I want to be able to query this table to select each nth row based on the timestamp.

So for example:

Select * from mytable where intervalBetweenTheRows = 30s

(for the purposes of this question, based on the presumption the interval requested is always to a higher precision than available in the database)

So, every nth row based on the time between each row

Any ideas?!


For those of you who are interested, recursive CTE was actually quite slow, I thought of a slightly different method:

    MIN(pvh.[TimeStamp]) as [TimeStamp],
    AVG(pvh.[Value]) as [Value]
    PortfolioValueHistory pvh
    pvh.PortfolioID = @PortfolioID
    AND pvh.[TimeStamp] >= @StartDate
    AND pvh.[TimeStamp] <= @EndDate
    FLOOR(DateDiff(Second, '01/01/2011 00:00:00', pvh.[TimeStamp]) / @ResolutionInSeconds)
    [TimeStamp] ASC

I take the timestamp minus an arbitrary date to give a base int to work with, then floor and divide this by my desired resolution, I then group by this, taking the min timestamp (the first of that 'region' of stamps) and the average value for that 'period'.

This is used to plot a graph of historical data, so the average value does me fine.

This was the fastest execution based on the table size that I could come up with

Thanks for your help all.

like image 709
Stono Avatar asked Oct 10 '11 13:10


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2 Answers

Assuming that the requirement is that the determinant for whether a row is returned or not depends on the time elapsed from the previous returned row this needs a procedural approach. Recursive CTEs might be a bit more efficient than a cursor though.

WITH RecursiveCTE
     AS (SELECT TOP 1 *
         FROM @T
         ORDER BY [Timestamp]
         UNION ALL
         SELECT id,
         FROM   (
                --Can't use TOP directly
                SELECT T.*,
                       rn = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY T.[Timestamp])
                 FROM   @T T
                        JOIN RecursiveCTE R
                          ON T.[Timestamp] >=
                                 DATEADD(SECOND, 30, R.[Timestamp])) R
         WHERE  R.rn = 1)
FROM RecursiveCTE
like image 51
Martin Smith Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 13:10

Martin Smith

This isn't as elegant as Martin S's CTE, but instead uses interpolation on predefined sample points to get the first sample in between each pair of sampling times. If there is no sample in a period then no record is returned.

DECLARE @NumberSamples INT
DECLARE @SampleInterval INT

SET @SampleTime = '2011-09-28 08:33:32.020' -- Start time
SET @NumberSamples = 20 -- Or however many sample intervals you need to evaluate
SET @SampleInterval = 30 -- Seconds

CREATE TABLE #tmpTimesToSample
    SampleID INT,
    SampleTime DATETIME NULL

-- Works out the time intervals, 0 to 19
INSERT INTO #tmpTimesToSample(SampleID, SampleTime)
SELECT TOP (@NumberSamples)
    DATEADD(ss, sv.number * @SampleInterval, @SampleTime)
    master..spt_values sv
    type = 'p'
    sv.number ASC

-- Now interpolate these sample intervals back into the data table
SELECT ID, [TimeStamp], Value
    SELECT mt.Id, mt.[TimeStamp], mt.Value, row_number() over (partition by tmp.SampleID order by tmp.SampleID) as RowNum
    FROM #tmpTimesToSample tmp RIGHT OUTER JOIN MyTable mt
    on mt.[TimeStamp] BETWEEN tmp.SampleTime and DATEADD(ss, @SampleInterval, tmp.SampleTime)
) x
WHERE x.RowNum = 1 -- Only want the first sample in each bin

DROP TABLE #tmpTimesToSample

Test data:

    [TimeStamp] DATETIME,
    [Value] DECIMAL(18,4)

insert into MyTable values(14574499, '2011-09-28 08:33:32.020', 99713.3000)
insert into MyTable values(14574521    ,'2011-09-28 08:33:42.203',  99713.3000)
insert into MyTable values(14574540    ,'2011-09-28 08:33:47.017', 99713.3000)
insert into MyTable values(14574559    ,'2011-09-28 08:38:53.177', 99720.3100)
insert into MyTable values(14574578    ,'2011-09-28 08:38:58.713', 99720.3100)
insert into MyTable values(14574597    ,'2011-09-28 08:39:03.590', 99720.3100)
insert into MyTable values(14574616    ,'2011-09-28 08:39:08.950', 99720.3100)
insert into MyTable values(14574635    ,'2011-09-28 08:39:13.793', 99720.3100)
insert into MyTable values(14574654    ,'2011-09-28 08:39:19.063', 99720.3100)
insert into MyTable values(14574673    ,'2011-09-28 08:39:23.780', 99720.3100)
insert into MyTable values(14574692    ,'2011-09-28 08:39:29.167', 99758.6400)
insert into MyTable values(14574711    ,'2011-09-28 08:39:33.967', 99758.6400)
insert into MyTable values(14574730    ,'2011-09-28 08:39:40.803', 99758.6400)
insert into MyTable values(14574749    ,'2011-09-28 08:39:49.297', 99758.6400)
like image 44
StuartLC Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 12:10
