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How can I use jclcompression in Delphi, is there any example?

I installed jclcompressin component yesterday. When I use it there is an error "load to 7z.dll". Has anyone example code using the jclcompressıon unit? As if I compress a text file?

like image 861
Cenk Aybeyaz Avatar asked Jun 30 '11 21:06

Cenk Aybeyaz

1 Answers

In order to work with the JclCompression unit you must have the 7z.dll file in the same path where your exe is located. you can get this file downloding the 7zip installer from here (remember always use 32-bit x86 version of the dll).

for samples about using this unit you can check the project located in this folder

<Path to your JCL library>\jcl\examples\windows\compression\archive

or you can check this question

Using 7-Zip from Delphi?

like image 165
RRUZ Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 17:10