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How can I use bash syntax in Perl's system()?





How can I use bash syntax in Perl's system() command?

I have a command that is bash-specific, e.g. the following, which uses bash's process substitution:

 diff <(ls -l) <(ls -al)

I would like to call it from Perl, using

 system("diff <(ls -l) <(ls -al)")

but it gives me an error because it's using sh instead of bash to execute the command:

sh: -c: line 0: syntax error near unexpected token `('
sh: -c: line 0: `sort <(ls)'
like image 576
Frank Avatar asked Feb 20 '09 21:02


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2 Answers

Tell Perl to invoke bash directly. Use the list variant of system() to reduce the complexity of your quoting:

my @args = ( "bash", "-c", "diff <(ls -l) <(ls -al)" );

You may even define a subroutine if you plan on doing this often enough:

sub system_bash {
  my @args = ( "bash", "-c", shift );

system_bash('echo $SHELL');
system_bash('diff <(ls -l) <(ls -al)');
like image 176
vladr Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 04:09


 system("bash -c 'diff <(ls -l) <(ls -al)'")

should do it, in theory. Bash's -c option allows you to pass a shell command to execute, according to the man page.

like image 42
David Z Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 04:09

David Z