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How can I use a folder name other than ‘functions’ for the cloud functions in my firebase project?

I have my source organized in a way that makes functions an awkward name for the location of my cloud functions source. I'm using the "main" property in the package.json to specify the source file but the deploy tool looks in functions for package.json. I've read all the docs available for the config file but don't see anything for the cloud functions.

The init command doesn't even add a section in the config file.

like image 248
Mike Avatar asked Apr 15 '17 00:04


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1 Answers

I had this same issue and found the answer by reading the source code for firebase-tool. (but not in the documentation!)

You can add this to firebase.json to rename the functions folder:

"functions": {
    "source": "<your-folder-name>"
like image 117
swiley Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 16:09
