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Can't deploy project to firebase

I try to deploy my app to firebase but it's fail.

$ firebase deploy --project af2test

⚠ Your CLI authentication needs to be updated to take advantage of new features. ⚠ Please run firebase login --reauth

Error: Unable to authorize access to project af2test

Note: This version of the Firebase CLI is only compatible with projects upgraded to the new Firebase Console. To access firebase.com apps, you will need to use a previous version: npm install -g firebase-tools@^2.1

To access the Firebase Console, visit https://console.firebase.google.com/

Having trouble? Try firebase deploy --help

Look like firebase-tools think that I have old version firebase app. But, I'm just create new project in a new console and it still not working. It used to work yesterday. I use latest firebase-tools from npm

$ firebase -V


If i downgrade to 2.1. It will ask me to upgrade?Any ideas to fix this?

$ firebase deploy --project af2test

Error: CLI is out of date (on 2.2.1 , need at least 3.0.0)

Run npm install -g firebase-tools to upgrade.

like image 201
user1084081 Avatar asked Apr 06 '17 09:04


People also ask

Is deploying on firebase free?

By default, every Firebase project has subdomains at no cost on the web. app and firebaseapp.com domains. These two sites serve the same deployed content and configuration.

1 Answers

MichaelBleigh had the answer


firebase list

which shows something like:

│ Name    │ Project ID / Instance │ Permissions │
│ af2test │ af2test-f289d         │ Owner       │

Use the project id to deploy with

firebase deploy --project af2test-f289d
like image 55
slashdottir Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 11:09
