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Making a firebase query search NOT case sensitive [duplicate]

I wanna pull information from a Firebase Database but it's a case sensitive query, and i don't want it to be case sensitive, is there a way to make the query NOT case sensitive in Android Studio ,Here is the query code

DatabaseReference SearchRef = (DatabaseReference) FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().getReference().child("Child1").orderByChild("Child2").startAt(searchText).endAt(searchText + "\uf8ff"); // \uf8ff is a white space
    Query Searchquery = Searchref;
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captindfru Avatar asked Jun 12 '18 07:06


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1 Answers

When using Firebase Database, that is the much you get to from orderByChild() function. It returns data either ascending or descending order and you cannot customize your result with extended queries.

However, You can try a something else that may be a bit more expensive. Get all the children you want as an array, saving Child2 and its key. You can then change the string to upper case or lower case and access the desired result using the key.

The reference result would be



To add on your logic, If you want "Dave" or "dave" to return Dave and dave You can edit your query to startAt(text.toUppercase) and endAt(text.toLowerCase+ "\uf8ff"). This will return DAVE, Dave, dave etc

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Disney Program Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 08:11

Disney Program