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How can I tell whether SIGILL originated from an illegal instruction or from kill -ILL?

In a signal handler installed through void (*sa_sigaction)(int, siginfo_t *, void *);, how can I tell whether a SIGILL originated from an illegal instruction or from some process having sent SIGILL? I looked at si_pid of siginfo_t, but this seems to be uninitialized in case an illegal instruction was encountered, so that I can't base my decision on it. - Of course, I'm searching for a preferably simple and portable solution, rather than reading the instruction code at si_addr and trying to determine if it is legal.

like image 659
Armali Avatar asked Feb 16 '23 02:02


1 Answers

A bona fide SIGILL will have an si_code of one of the ILL_ values (e.g., ILL_ILLADR). A user-requested SIGILL will have an si_code of one of the SI_ values (often SI_USER).

The relevant POSIX values are:

ILL_ILLOPC  Illegal opcode.
ILL_ILLOPN  Illegal operand.
ILL_ILLADR  Illegal addressing mode.
ILL_ILLTRP  Illegal trap.
ILL_PRVOPC  Privileged opcode.
ILL_PRVREG  Privileged register.
ILL_COPROC  Coprocessor error.
ILL_BADSTK  Internal stack error.

SI_USER     Signal sent by kill().
SI_QUEUE    Signal sent by the sigqueue().
SI_TIMER    Signal generated by expiration of a timer set by timer_settime().
SI_ASYNCIO  Signal generated by completion of an asynchronous I/O request.
SI_MESGQ    Signal generated by arrival of a message on an empty message queue.

For example, the recipe in this question gives me ILL_ILLOPN, whereas kill(1) and kill(2) gives me zero (SI_USER).

Of course, your implementation might add values to the POSIX list. Historically, user- or process-generated si_code values were <= 0, and this is still quite common. Your implementation might have a convenience macro to assist here, too. For example, Linux provides:

#define SI_FROMUSER(siptr)      ((siptr)->si_code <= 0)
#define SI_FROMKERNEL(siptr)    ((siptr)->si_code > 0)
like image 151
pilcrow Avatar answered Feb 19 '23 19:02
