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Bringing gvim to foreground

I am trying to make an alias for gvim that opens a file in a new tab using vim-server, the alias (for now) is:

/util/Linux/bin/gvim --servername $VIMSERVER --remote-tab-silent !*

While this is working, it leaves the gvim window in the background. I would like to bring the window to the front, tried several google solutions without success.

I am using RHEL 5.2, tcsh, vim 7.2, no root (work computer), and I don't have wmctrl installed (found some solutions that use wmctrl).

Help appreciated, thanks!

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Alex Biba Avatar asked Feb 16 '23 09:02

Alex Biba

2 Answers

I had the same problem but this appears to work when using KDE.

  1. right-click on gvim border and select 'Configure Window Behaviour'
  2. select 'Focus' from left side icons
  3. change dropdown 'Focus Stealing Prevention' to None

Hopefully that works for you too.

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Kurt Avatar answered Feb 26 '23 09:02


For this, there are the foreground() and remote_foreground() functions, as in:

vim -c "call remote_foreground('$VIMSERVER')" -c quit
like image 43
Ingo Karkat Avatar answered Feb 26 '23 09:02

Ingo Karkat