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How can I tell my DataTemplate to bind to a property in the PARENT ViewModel?

I've got the following MainView.xaml file that works well as a MVVM menu switcher. I've got these pairs:

  • Page1View / Page1ViewModel
  • Page2View / Page2ViewModel

in my MainViewModel I fill an ObservableCollection with both ViewModels, then when the user clicks the Next button, it calls NextPageCommand in MainViewModel which switches out CurrentPageViewModel with a new ViewModel which is then displayed with an appropriate View, works nicely.

I also have a Menu being filled with all the titles from the ViewModels in the Observable collection, which also works nicely.

However, each MenuItem has a Command="{Binding SwitchPageCommand}" which SHOULD call SwitchPageCommand on the MainViewModel and not on e.g. Page1ViewModel or Page2ViewModel.

So how can I indicate in the template not to bind to the current ViewModel but the ViewModel which contains that ViewModel, e.g. something like this:

PSEUDO-CODE:  <DataTemplate x:Key="CodeGenerationMenuTemplate">     <MenuItem          Command="{Binding <parentViewModel>.SwitchPageCommand}"          Header="{Binding Title}"          CommandParameter="{Binding Title}"/> </DataTemplate> 

Here is MainViewModel:

<Window x:Class="TestMenu234.Views.MainView"     xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation"     xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml"     xmlns:c="clr-namespace:TestMenu234.Commands"     xmlns:vm="clr-namespace:TestMenu234.ViewModels"     xmlns:v="clr-namespace:TestMenu234.Views"     Title="Main Window" Height="400" Width="800">      <Window.Resources>         <DataTemplate x:Key="CodeGenerationMenuTemplate">             <MenuItem Header="{Binding Title}" Command="{Binding SwitchPageCommand}" CommandParameter="{Binding Title}"/>         </DataTemplate>         <DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type vm:Page1ViewModel}">             <v:Page1View/>         </DataTemplate>         <DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type vm:Page2ViewModel}">             <v:Page2View/>         </DataTemplate>     </Window.Resources>      <DockPanel>          <Menu DockPanel.Dock="Top">             <MenuItem Header="Code _Generation" ItemsSource="{Binding AllPageViewModels}"                       ItemTemplate="{StaticResource CodeGenerationMenuTemplate}"/>         </Menu>          <StackPanel DockPanel.Dock="Top" Orientation="Horizontal">             <Button Margin="5" Content="Next Page" Command="{Binding NextPageCommand}"/>         </StackPanel>          <ContentControl             Content="{Binding CurrentPageViewModel}"/>      </DockPanel> </Window> 
like image 984
Edward Tanguay Avatar asked Jun 22 '09 09:06

Edward Tanguay

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1 Answers

The answer is this:

<DataTemplate x:Key="CodeGenerationMenuTemplate">     <MenuItem          Header="{Binding Title}"          Command="{Binding DataContext.SwitchPageCommand,     RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type Menu}}}"          CommandParameter="{Binding Title}"/> </DataTemplate> 

I just saw that Nir had given me the syntax to solve the above issue on this question: What is the best way in MVVM to build a menu that displays various pages?.

like image 102
Edward Tanguay Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 23:10

Edward Tanguay