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How can I see raw mongoDB queries with Mongoid

I followed this page to see mongoDB queries. As a result I could see Moped log.
But I can't see raw mongoDB queries.
How can I display MongoDB queries in the rails console/server

I did like the below.

# in [rails root]/config/environments/development.rb     Mongoid.logger.level = Logger::DEBUG Moped.logger.level = Logger::DEBUG Mongoid.logger = Logger.new("#{Rails.root}/log/mongoid_development.log") Moped.logger = Logger.new("#{Rails.root}/log/moped_development.log")  # in [rails root]/log/mongoid_development.log # show nothing.  # in [rails root]/log/moped_development.log MOPED: [ip address]:27017 QUERY        database=[database name] collection=[collection name] selector={"$query"=>{"screen_name"=>"ts_3156"}, "$orderby"=>{:_id=>1}} flags=[:slave_ok] limit=-1 skip=0 batch_size=nil fields=nil (54.6286ms) 

How can I see raw mongoDB queries with Mongoid?
I want to see like the below.

db.[collection name].find({ $query: {"screen_name"=>"ts_3156"}, $orderby: {:_id=>1} }) 

I can see raw mongoDB queries in /var/log/mongo/mongo.log.
But I want to see raw queries in ORM(Mongoid)'s log.

like image 870
Teruki Shinohara Avatar asked Jul 31 '13 01:07

Teruki Shinohara

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To view the query plan information for a given query, you can use db. collection. explain() or the cursor. explain() .

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In MongoDB, find() method is used to select documents in a collection and return a cursor to the selected documents. Cursor means a pointer that points to a document, when we use find() method it returns a pointer on the selected documents and returns one by one.

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1 Answers

I think I got an answer. This is follow dsims answer and also from what I've seen in the documentation regarding logging.

I have an initialize file (config/initializers/mongoid.rb) and in there I have:

Mongoid.logger = Logger.new($stdout) Mongo::Logger.logger = Logger.new($stdout) 

It dumps out the mongo info the console. You probably want to change this for a production environment. But while developing I like to be able to see what the DB is doing. Especially because I'm brand new to MongoDb.

like image 90
eliotRosewater Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 04:09
