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Rails order by in associated model

I have two models in a has_many relationship such that Log has_many Items. Rails then nicely sets up things like: some_log.items which returns all of the associated items to some_log. If I wanted to order these items based on a different field in the Items model is there a way to do this through a similar construct, or does one have to break down into something like:

Item.find_by_log_id(:all,some_log.id => "some_col DESC") 
like image 825
Bryan Ward Avatar asked Jul 14 '09 18:07

Bryan Ward

1 Answers

There are multiple ways to do this:

If you want all calls to that association to be ordered that way, you can specify the ordering when you create the association, as follows:

class Log < ActiveRecord::Base   has_many :items, :order => "some_col DESC" end 

You could also do this with a named_scope, which would allow that ordering to be easily specified any time Item is accessed:

class Item < ActiveRecord::Base   named_scope :ordered, :order => "some_col DESC" end  class Log < ActiveRecord::Base   has_many :items end  log.items # uses the default ordering log.items.ordered # uses the "some_col DESC" ordering 

If you always want the items to be ordered in the same way by default, you can use the (new in Rails 2.3) default_scope method, as follows:

class Item < ActiveRecord::Base   default_scope :order => "some_col DESC" end 
like image 142
Greg Campbell Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 08:10

Greg Campbell