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How can I retrieve the logical file name of the database from backup file

I was looking into the steps of how to Restore Database Backup using SQL Script (T-SQL). Here are the steps:

Database YourDB has full backup YourBackUpFile.bak. It can be restored using following two steps:

Step 1: Retrieve the logical file name of the database from the backup.


Step 2: Use the values in the LogicalName column in the following step.

----Make Database to single user Mode ALTER DATABASE YourDB SET SINGLE_USER WITH ROLLBACK IMMEDIATE  ----Restore Database RESTORE DATABASE YourDB FROM DISK = 'D:BackUpYourBackUpFile.bak' WITH MOVE 'YourMDFLogicalName' TO 'D:DataYourMDFFile.mdf', MOVE 'YourLDFLogicalName' TO 'D:DataYourLDFFile.ldf' 

I am just having problem on how to get the YourMDFLogicalName and YourLDFLogicalName. Can any one help me with that?

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Bipul Avatar asked Aug 17 '11 08:08


People also ask

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Select the database in Object Explorer and right click on the database and select Properties. On the Files page, we can see the logical file names.

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Restore the database from a BAK fileRight-click on the database server in the left navigation pane, click Tasks, click Restore. The name of the restoring database appears in the To database list box. To create a new database, enter its name in the list box. Select 'From device'.

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In SSMS object explorer panel, right-click the database. From the right-click menu select Reports >> Standard Reports >> Backup and Restore Events. In the report, you can expand the Successful Backup Operations section, to see the backup history.

1 Answers

DECLARE @Table TABLE (LogicalName varchar(128),[PhysicalName] varchar(128), [Type] varchar, [FileGroupName] varchar(128), [Size] varchar(128),              [MaxSize] varchar(128), [FileId]varchar(128), [CreateLSN]varchar(128), [DropLSN]varchar(128), [UniqueId]varchar(128), [ReadOnlyLSN]varchar(128), [ReadWriteLSN]varchar(128),              [BackupSizeInBytes]varchar(128), [SourceBlockSize]varchar(128), [FileGroupId]varchar(128), [LogGroupGUID]varchar(128), [DifferentialBaseLSN]varchar(128), [DifferentialBaseGUID]varchar(128), [IsReadOnly]varchar(128), [IsPresent]varchar(128), [TDEThumbprint]varchar(128) ) DECLARE @Path varchar(1000)='C:\SomePath\Base.bak' DECLARE @LogicalNameData varchar(128),@LogicalNameLog varchar(128) INSERT INTO @table EXEC(' RESTORE FILELISTONLY     FROM DISK=''' +@Path+ '''    ')     SET @LogicalNameData=(SELECT LogicalName FROM @Table WHERE Type='D')    SET @LogicalNameLog=(SELECT LogicalName FROM @Table WHERE Type='L')  SELECT @LogicalNameData,@LogicalNameLog 


According to Microsoft site:

SQL Server files have two names:


The logical_file_name is the name used to refer to the physical file in all Transact-SQL statements. The logical file name must comply with the rules for SQL Server identifiers and must be unique among logical file names in the database.


The os_file_name is the name of the physical file including the directory path. It must follow the rules for the operating system file names.

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Dalex Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 16:10
